Who Is This...Stormfront?

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          We got 'settled in' this....bunker, if that's the word you want to use. It was dirty and damp, but it was what we came up with in a small amount of time. Hughie was still a bit down about Annie, but the rest of them was holding up while still wondering where the hell Butcher was. They kept asking me, but I...I wanted to keep my distance for now before I go to find him. This place was full of distractions for the team, so...I guess it's good. 

      Kimiko turned on the TV, started surfing through the channels until she stopped on "A Closer Look with Chris Hansen." It was telling the 'story' of how Madelyn Stillwell was blown up by Butcher over the distress of his dead wife. Everyone gathered around the TV to watch it, until I quickly changed the channel. They all looked over to my anger eyes, "That man has more heart than most of those empty husks behind laptops." "Why hasn't he..called?" Frenchie leaned against one of the wooden fixtures. Hughie sighed, "Who cares?" "He could be dead..." He laughed at that, "Myra would be much more silent if that happened, you know that. Plus, he's too much of an asshole to die." I glared into the back of his head when he said that. I'm so close to choking him out, I swear it. M shushed all of us, looking towards the TV. It displayed a row of pictures of Butcher, Marvin aka M, Hughie, Frenchie, and an empty one. I'm guessing the empty one is for me, and I was right when they explained that there was evidence of another member and they just didn't have any good pictures of me. They all put their heads in their hands in defeat, turning off the TV. "We need to get out of here now," M said. Frenchie didn't have the money to afford so many fake passports yet, and right now wasn't a good time to try and move them to one of the bases. 

       Taking out my phone, I started walking out. "Where the hell you going?" M yelled. I shouted back, "My other group needs a hand in something. Just in case, have your medical supplies on standby." I quickly teleported to the other base, going straight of the computers to sit next to Franky. "Hasn't come back yet?" "Not yet, and I ain't going back to get him either....not now at least." He hummed in response. We sat in silence for a while, not awkward just comfortable. It was broken when the rest of the team walked out of the back, "Study is done! Let's get back out in the field!" Erin shouted in excitement. Francine held her by the arm, "Hold on, sister. We have to go over everything and the plan. Can you sit still for a few more minutes?" She huffed and gathered with the rest of her next to her twin. Since they've studied each of their schedules and learned that all of them are quite close friends, a plan was soon drafted. The plan wasn't convoluted or complicated or anything, just simple for this kind of thing. It was really just grab the people, knock them out, and run circles around the guards. 

       Before we headed out, Francine and Ramona pulled me aside to give me a little gift for the road. "Meet your new best friends~" Ramona smirked and stepped aside to show a table full of high tech weapons. "You get pick first. Only three or less, we didn't have much." "I think you got plenty of resource to work with," I was astounded. The choices I went with was a pair of guns guns that looked like pistols. Since regular bullets really wouldn't work against supes and we don't a confirmed way to get through the skin in an instant, all someone can do is stun them. There was special bullets already locked in with special abilities; electric net, fire, poison to stop movement, etc. The 2nd choice was a gauntlet of sort with a secret blade, I loved that one. The last choice was a retractable sword, it was silk and sharp to the touch. "Thank you for the gifts, I'll use them much more than what you think," I smiled and suited up. I decided to take Franky, Miller, and Erin with me. "Let's head out, people!"

       It was their break time for most of them, so they went to grab some lunch at a Chinese place. We drove out there and I sent Erin and Miller in there with some facial adjustments to hide their faces enough to blend in a bit more. They were going to go in there and stage a robbery and hostage situation. Once screaming was heard, I teleport into the bathroom and wait for one of them to bring the people in so I could get them outside with my power. With a bit of coliform to stop the shaking, Franky got them into the car easy while that gave Emerald some time to wipe the cameras. Once everyone was back in the car, I gave Erin the wheel to drive us away. The cops were coming in close as Erin stomped on the gas, speeding...backwards? We all held onto the doors as she twisted the car around fast to drive down the other way. Going through an alley way and onto another street, that's when the cops were finally on our tail. She kept it steady and dodged multiple cars that were just driving normally, her eyes glancing at the side window constantly. "Go faster!" "I'm literally flooring it, meat head!!" She yelled at Franky. Her hands turned all the way it could go, making a deep U-turn and not losing the cops. "Myra, this is your time!" 

     "What?!" I yelled back. "Teleport. The. Car. Smartass!" I never went that big before with a teleport, so it was really a hit or miss opportunity. I sighed and put my hands on the dash board, feeling the pressure finally get to me. Closing my eyes, I focused the best I could with everything happening and...I teleported the car!! The location was about a few miles out of the current base, so all we ran over was a few bushes and such. My phone went off, and with it was a change in Butcher's location. Miller glanced at my phone, "Go get him. You already know he needs your help in some way. We got the scientists from here." I nodded. I guess it's time to bring him back.   

        Butcher was located by a restaurant called 'Tony Cicero's', some kind of Italian place. I...borrowed this car off of someone and headed to him fast. With all the 'call to actions' broadcasting to all TV's, I don't think he can just walk around that easily. Swerving into the parking lot, I saw Butcher running out of the place. Once we locked eyes, I motioned him into the car and he quickly jumped into the passenger seat so I could finally drive out. "You really are too much of an asshole to die," I muttered. He was strangely silent, not giving one of his witty comebacks, and that made me very concerned. While driving, I looked over to his hands and saw he was holding a paper with some writing on it. "Billy..." "Becca's alive...and she had Homelander's son," He quietly said. I could sense he was waiting for a response, and when I didn't give him one...his mood changed. He looked over at me, "Didn't you fucking hear me?" "I did...and...I kinda knew about the son part." That made him a bit angry and sad, but he won't admit that, starting to yell at me. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?!!" "I thought she was dead!! I didn't tell you, because...I have a don't ask, don't tell policy." Yeah, that was a fucking lie, and anyone can tell from my tone. "You really didn't think that you could tell me about that important detail?!" "There's a lot you don't know, you dick!!" 

       "Maybe you hid this from me, because you want me to yourself! What, are you fucking in love with me?!" I didn't say anything to him, didn't even look at him and he quickly got the point to follow along. We did make a stop on the way, not that I remember it that much from how angry I was, but after 20 or so minutes we made it to the rest of the group. The other guys didn't listen to him when we told him that we were with Frenchie, so Billy had to rough him up a bit. We both walked down the stairs, and saw people raising their guns at us while also the rest of the group standing their with him. His hands slowly went up, "Alright, easy does it lads. Easy does it..." Everyone stared at us, but the only stare that really caught me was Hughie's. It was heartbreak, agony, and anger all in one. Reminds me of when I first met him, just much more...broken. "This is a fucking mess son," He walked over to Hughie as I tuned back in. "We got a supe terrorist, Raynor's blown the canister, and we're the most wanted cunts in the country. Don't you worry.." He glanced over at me walking past him. "Mommy and Daddy are home~"

       Time passed, letting me cool off a bit in my own way and letting Butcher get changed. We all went to do our own thing, and that left him to his own devices. "Alright, I'm off." "Where?" Hughie asked. Anyone in the room could sense that tension between the two, so we all knew that Hughie was going to blow up. "Going to meet a contact," He said. Trying to get an actual name wasn't happening, and that just transition into his blow up. "Not a word from him. BOTH Myra and Butcher left us for dead, and now it's like nothing happened?" "Why the fuck are you including me? I gave you the device to track them down in the first place!" I shouted at him. He turned to me, "Yeah, the bare fucking minimum compared to everything else you've done. The minute he calls for you, you obey! Y-Your like a little lap dog!" I quickly jumped to my feet and walked up to him, "Pick your next words carefully, Hugh Campbell..." I heard Butcher sigh and try to break us up, but I wanted to hear what he had to say next. Hughie stepped closer to me, "You're only on his side, because you want to get into his pants, right?" Without thinking, I grabbed his neck and shoved him against a wall. My hand squeezed a bit when Butcher tried to pry me off of him, "You're about to join Robin, you piece of shit! Keep fucking talking, come on!!" "Enough Myra!" Butcher yelled. I punched Hughie straight in the jaw and teleported to my car.

      My breathing was irregular, my hands were shaking, and I couldn't stop thinking about bashing that little shit's head into a god dam wall. I leaned against the hood of the car, just staring and keeping that train going until my phone pulled me out of it. It was a text from Emerald, "There's a new member of The Seven. Name is Stormfront, and gives me a bad feeling. You might want to keep an eye on her." Stormfront....just hearing the name gives my stomach a deep pit of darkness. A little spying will clear my head for a bit, let's see who this 'Stormfront' is.

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