Boats and Drugs Don't Mix

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             The next thing was getting the brother to some location, and the said location was over seas. I was going to work some magic to get us a proper ride, but Butcher had to be him and steal one. Time wasn't on our side, so we just had to live with it. On the journey, we all kept our distances and I took the time to...'relax', but not fully. I would have, but Annie called me. She somehow got my number from Hughie, and she had a huge story to tell and an offer to give. She found out about Compound V, and wanted to leak it to the press. I was 'the best person' for this, I see she quoted Hughie a bit. I agreed, since this would put pressure on the people for praising the greatest superhero company in history. I did some searching until I found a little gossip website owner that would easily spread this fast enough, the owner of 4chan. 

          They agreed, and I hung up with a smile on my face. This was going to get good. Walking out to take a fresh breath of that salty air, I heard some screaming from the team. "I'll fucking kill you!" Hughie tried to punch Butcher, but the rest of them held him back. M pulled him back to try and help him, while I pulled Butcher back to give him some room. "Myra-" "Not a word.." His phone rang to pull him away from him, I sighed deeply. Hughie was getting better, breathing good and calming down. He turned on the TV, the news came on about Compound V. At the same time, Hughie called Annie, "Uh hey, is this you? You did it, we did it! Um, call me, call me back when you get the chance." M walked in after, confused, but got the story once he looked over at the TV. "You did this?" He asked him. Hughie smiled, "Ah yeah, Starlight did mostly." "She called me," I jumped into the conversation. "Hughie dropped my number as a suggestion of who could spread the info, and I did my job. We all did it." M didn't look happy as he stepped closer to him, "Hughie..." Instantly, he hugged the both of us tightly. We all laughed, hugging and cheering until Frenchie and Butcher walked in to see the news as well. 

       "Nice one," Butcher spoke and started heading back out. "That's all you got?" M sounded surprised. "We've been trying to do this shit for years, Vought's finally fucking going down, the kid did it, and...nice one?" Why did we think that he would give him some praise? It physically impossible for this guy to give anyone who isn't Becca Butcher some kind of praise. The vibe got killed a bit by that, and Hughie felt more disrespected by him than ever. Once he walked out, I followed him fast, "You can't even pretend to be nice, can you? For fuck sake, Butcher!" "We have bigger things to worry about, like the god damn terrorist we have below deck!" My eyes rolled at that, "We won't make it that far if you keep doing this!!" He stared at me, "This team won't make it another mile if you keep starting the fucking problems! You are ripping this team apart slowly, putting their lives and families in danger with close to no remorse before they go for your fucking throat, and stole this boat which will draw the fucking police towards are a god damn idiot." He didn't say a god damn thing as I walked back to my room, and I didn't look back. 

          We all gathered to the deck, sitting there and waiting while Butcher was behind the wheel. We all didn't talk, and Ramona called me. As I answered the call, my throat started to get a bit dry and my vision started to spin. Ramona's voice became distant, and my head started to spin even more. "Myra, are you alright?" Hughie called me. I shook my head, and quickly went to the side of the boat to take off my mask and vomit overboard. I heard all of them walk up to me slowly as I slowly came back up, slipping my mask back on. "You doing al-" "I'm fine, stop talking.." Butcher's eyes narrowed on me, and he didn't back down. He walked up to me, "Myra, stop acting like a dead from the neck up ankle biter, and let me-" "What? Let you suddenly fix everything in a snap like you always do? You can fix me, you can't even fix yourself, you useless sack of shit!!" I yelled. My face glistened with sweat and my eyes filled with tears. I continued to yell at him and the rest of the team, "You think that you can get Becca back just by jumping some security and grabbing her? Maybe she didn't tell you she was pregnant because she was afraid!! You drive everyone away, then beg for help!! So backwards, it never makes senses with you!" 

      They just let me yell and scream, being more worried by the second. My head spun even more, and I handed M the phone. "Talk to Ramona.." I passed out after that. If I had to guess, Ramona got wind of the police on the way there. I was unconscious for the most part, but I felt some surroundings. I felt being carried and traded between them, I only started waking up in some kind of storm drain with light coming in from some hole in the ceiling. "What...the hell?" I uttered out. M looked down at me, "I thought you died for a second, can you stand?" "Where's my phone?" My knees buckled a bit, so I grabbed onto his arm. He ignored my question, "You're still weak, Myra. Just-" "Give me my fucking phone. Now." I pulled my pistol and pointed at his throat until he slowly gave me my phone. I panted quietly, "You guys can fill me in later, for now lead the way and I'll follow." The message of me not accepting any help got through and they just walked ahead of me while I called Miller. 

      "Holy shit, we thought you died!" "Not the point, what's the report?" He didn't say anything, and I lost it. "We'll get back to that later, what the fuck is the report?!" I heard him sigh, and he finally started talking. Apparently, The Seven got word of the 'supe terrorist' and picture from the police chopper he carelessly destroyed. Once after that, the team was forced to go into the sewers and try to escape. Homelander and Annie caught up to them, and Butcher used the brother to burry the motherfucker in stone, pipes, and a bus. He took the chance to escape, which was spoiled by StormFront, and resulted in his death. I heard the last part as we stepped down the stairs in defeat. Hanging up, I got Butcher's attention, "Find another way, Billy. Your ticket was snapped in half by StormFront. 

       "Today's attack underscores how dangerous the threats super terrorist have become," The TV produced. Vought did what they did best, using people's suffering and death for their own agenda. We all sat on the sofa and watched the news, staring in either defeat or anger. I was angry, because it reminded me of...of my own situation, and also because if I was awake I probably could've done something. Butcher didn't watch, and I just let him sulk alone. He needed it. The news segment continued, "And at a time like this, America needs it's heroes more than anything." Everything around me zoned out, and I took out my phone. I started texting Emerald, "Get the base ready." I looked up and saw StormFront coming up to the podium, giving me a pit in my stomach. "We have another target."   

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