I Knew Becca Too

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         Nothing felt the same since Kimiko's brother was killed. Frenchie just looked at her with worry, M and Hughie was staying silent so they didn't screw anything up even more, Butcher was just hanging out to think in his own head too much, and I....well, I was relaxing in my little room. You can already guess that 'relaxing' was really...smoking pot and taking pills. I did this before, but my brother and sister got me into rehab and helped me. Now they're gone, and...and I don't think I can pull myself out of this so easy. Francine and Ramona tried to get in connect to talk with me, but I declined every call. I'm much more like him then I thought. As I relaxed, I was on a video chat call with one of the scientists we got to tell him about what he was doing. During this, Butcher walked in on it and made me hang up the call. 

      "You need something?" His vibe was off, but I didn't say anything. He smirked for a minute, but it went away, "And you're still walking...it's a fucking miracle." I simply nodded. He didn't say anything, just looked at me with...with disappointment. I wouldn't tell anyone this, but it made me wanna cry when it came from him. He started taking something out of his pocket, and it was...one of my pill bottles? "What the fuck are you doing with this? I knew you were fucked, but this isn't cool." My mouth went dry and I looked away from him, only making him repeat himself. Butcher walked closer to me, "Answer me, Myra. What the fuck are you doing with this?" "Why are so surprised? Why do you even care, one moment you tell me to fuck off and now you're worried about me overdosing...what the fuck is wrong with you?!" Things were speeding up, and I stood up to walk closer to him. He growled, "If you want to give Homelander hell, slowly killing yourself ain't helping at all. If you want to avenge whoever the fuck-" "FUCK YOU!"

      He grabbed my arms tightly, shaking me, "I ain't losing you too!! I'll be damn if I lose you...lose you to some kind of shit like that." We stared at each other for a long time, locked in each other's eyes and not moving. His hands still on my arms, and they slowly slid to my hands to hold them gently. It was only for a minute, before he took a step back. "Mallory gave me the location of where Becca is. I want you to come too, and watch my back so nothing gets in my way." Of course, I said yes, so he quickly left without a word. 

       I didn't move when he left, my eyes sat on the wall for about 5 minutes until I heard a knock. It was M, "Hey, Butcher give you hell?" "You could say that. What's up?" He gave me an old magazine cover for Budweiser, it was wrapped in plastic with an address written on the back. There was an old supe on the cover, a woman named Liberty. I stared at her for a while, having a low frequency hum fill my ears and my right eye twitching a bit. "Myra!" He raised his voice a bit. "You know this woman?" Looking back down at the cover for a moment, I shook my head. "Not much," I started. "Some old supe back in the day that is so similar to Homelander, but more...woman, so she got away with much more. There are a few pictures, but all are very blurry. Why?" He took the cover back, "Might be a way out." 

       Butcher was on the way to try and find Becca, but right now Francine was having no kind of playing around with me. I had to face them sooner or later, so might as well be now. Teleporting to the new base, everyone was already standing behind the kitchen counter, waiting for me. "Myra," Ramona quietly said. I turned to sit on the couch, "Get it over with. Scold me and tell me I shouldn't have done that in the first place." They didn't say anything, but they did walk over to sit around me. "Mon amour, we aren't going to scold you. The only way you would slip back into this is that something...or someone triggered you," Emerald put her hand on my shoulder. They waited for my response, but only got a head shake. "What did Butcher say to you?" Miller looked me in the eye. My breath shuddered a bit, and my eyes blinked more to hold the tears back, "He told me to fuck off when me and Hughie ruined his shot to kill the supe terrorist, and now he found my pill bottles. One minute, he hates me, and the next he wants the best for me..." They got the hint, but they got it even more with what I said next.

        "I respect him and Becca so much, and I don't want to ruin anything for the both of them. I don't want to lose him or her as a friend," I cried softly. Erin hugged me, "It's not your fault.." "HOW IS NOT MY FAULT?!" I jumped up to my feet, screaming at them. The words were taken from their mouths, and my eyes scanned their faces to make my face go into a frown. "...We're dropping this." "No, Myra-" I teleported back to the boys before they could finish their sentences. Everyone was out doing something, so I loaded up on daggers and regular bullets before heading out towards Butcher. Let's hope we get Becca easily, but let's not get hope get the better of us. 

       Butcher was able to get over the wall and pass the security cameras, hiding in her car until she came out and showed some cigarettes to one of the cameras. Driving off to some lone bridge over some creek, Butcher and her got out to hug each other tight. Seeing them like that made me happy, jealous, and also guilty as shit. They were perfectly happy together, and I got feelings for her love. What is wrong with me? I can't help, but feel this way towards him, and it makes me sick to feel it. I fantasized about a life with him, but I loathe them at the same time. I am a horrible person, and this just adds to it. They started kissing, but Becca had to leave. When she drove off, I wanted to just say hello to him, but as I held out my hand to signal him...I pulled it right back to myself. Just let him enjoy this, while I sit in the shadows. He deserves this. 

        After a while, she came back and they immediately went back to making out. It transitioned to the trunk of the car and went on for about 10 to 12 minutes. I didn't watch them, what do I look like? When they finished, the two relaxed with the trunk door open and Becca lit a cigarette. "Took you ages to quit. All them little patches, eh?" He softly said to her as she chuckled. She offered one, and he declined. Becca held it up to her mouth, and he accepted anyway. "The beard's new~" "Fancy it, eh?" Her eyes stayed on the sky, "Eh, haven't decided yet." Butcher was about to say something, but Becca sat up to look at the railing. She looked frightened, "Who the hell is that?" She saw the glow of my mask, and once she spotted me I slowly took it off. Stepping onto the ground, Butcher sighed, "She's a fr-" "I can talk for myself, and you know that Billy Butcher." Becca's eyes widened when she heard my real voice, "Myra?" 

      My face was fully revealed in the light, and she quickly ran to hug me tight. "Myra, holy shit! What the hell happened to you?" Her words ran together after just one word, and I grabbed her arms. "Breath, Becca. I'm fine, everything's...close to fine," I looked at her. Becca pulled over to sit next to her and Butcher, "How long have you been here?" I asked her. "Since I gave birth. You forget about reading the news, or going to a restaurant, or...smoking pot on the couch and eating Cheetos." Her and Butcher smiled to themselves. She looked over to Butcher, "How have you been?" Asking that, he glanced over to me and started to lie. "Oh, you know, all right. Started a private security company. You know, weddings, bar mitzvahs-" "Myra?" I shook my head while laughing a bit, "All bullshit, if you count security as in protecting our own asses from our death. He's been chasing Homelander for years, and we've...joined forces." She apologized for that, but neither of us would take it. 

       "What about you?" "What?" Her head went to me, "I get Butcher getting in here, but how did you get here too? At least one camera should've caught you." I stared at her, trying not to frown. With a hug sigh, I locked eyes with her and made my eyes glow bright green. Unwillingly, she shifted back at first sight. "You're...Y-You're a supe. You were a supe this whole time," She stuttered. The glow dimmed, and I looked down. My quiet laugh came out louder than I thought, "I'm not one of Vought's toys, don't worry. I got the V from somewhere else completely." The both of them didn't have to say much for me to know they want the whole story. "Do you really wanna know how I got here? My life and why I'm trying to get Homelander with Butcher?" Butcher and Becca looked at each other, then right back at me.   


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