So Hot, You All Got Burned

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           The address I gave them was for an abandoned mansion in the middle of the woods that my family owned, but never did anything with since plans tend to change a lot with them. I was the last to show to the group, seeing them all get settled down with all their equipment and catching up with each other after all this time. It was cute, but business has to come first sometimes. "Alright people, time to introduce phase one of the remade plan. You all ready?" They all nodded, with the exception of Francine telling me to take my time with this. Taking that in, I started explaining it, "Phase one might take some time to complete. This part involves getting a scientist to analyze Compound V deeply to get the core materials listed down for us. I have some candidates to 'gently persuade' into our way of thinking. For a few days, just stay put and set up everything you need to keep watch everywhere you can in the city. Vought is already covered with Normandy, so everywhere else is fair game. For precaution, I want you all to move houses every half a month and tell me when you're done moving so I can make sure you didn't leave anything behind to trace. The last thing I want is for one of you to be a target for The Seven. One thing to add, I'm also working with another team who have an understanding with me, hence how I already have a sample of V. Anything goes south...we cross that bridge when we get there. Anything else to add?" Normandy raised his hand, "You're doesn't happen to include Billy Butcher, right?" "...What he do this time?" 

      He got up, "Him and a few other guys are now on...'you now who's' radar recently from a third party. At any point now, they're gonna announce it on the news." Fucking Mesmer, that twitchy bitch. "He didn't get any photo of you though, nice job," He kept going. Good thing I teleported in. I have to be the bearer of bad news, so I gave Erin my number to text me to when they were online before heading back out to Butcher and them. Getting back to them, Hughie and Butcher were at each other's fucking throats because of something. "You ain't thinking, except with your dick," Butcher snarled through his teeth. I tried to step in, but Butcher pushed me out of it. "Cool it ladies, we have-" "Not now, Myra!" He yelled at me. 

      This stupid fuck is working my last nerve, I swear. "You're wrong about her," Hughie kept his eyes on him, scared but stood his ground. Butcher got closer to him, "That bitch is playing you, and you're too fucking blind to see it." Looking over at the others, I rolled my eyes in annoyed and was about to tell them that they all just got- how did they phrase it? Burned? "Right, so better to be loyal to a dead woman who doesn't know and doesn't care. How's that working out for you?" That was until Hughie busted through with that line. Honestly, I'm glad I have that mask on, because I would have busted out laughing when he said that. I kept my cool though, looking away and letting my gas mask hide my little smile. Butcher slowly turned around to stare at him, so I walked to Hughie and put a hand on his shoulder. He nodded to me, then his phone started ringing. 

      "Hey dad," He answered. After a while, he looked confused, "Who's this?" I quickly walked over to some paper Kimiko had in a pile, grabbing a marker to quickly write. "Dad, are you okay?" Hughie shuddered a bit. The group turned to look at him after hearing that, and I quietly put it back down to show the group the paper. It said, "You're all burned, pack your shit." M was the first to panic. He ran to his computer, "If he's burned, then I'm fucked." Everyone scattered to pack and get their shit to quickly leave, M was calling his wife as well. During all this, Butcher looked at Hughie in disappointment, "Well, I hope she was fucking worth it." "It wasn't Annie, you dipshit!" He took the look and gave it right to me when I said that. I said, "Mesmer had a fucking camera in the peep hole of his front door, got pictures of all of you and gave them to Homelander trying to get back in business." "You fucking idiots had to go with Mesmer, fuck me," He walked away. Hughie thanked me, but I just told him to get to his dad and fast. 

         When he left, Butcher called me over and said we were going out for a mission. We headed out in my car, keeping his head down the whole time. "I'm guessing Mesmer getting his fucking head bashed in," I asked. "I don't need cameras to know the fucker is gonna try and run like a rat once the news got out. He gets what he fucking deserves. You have those eyes everywhere, use them." I nodded as I kept driving. "Copy that," I simply said to him. "Also, if you even lay a finger on Starlight, you will lose so much more than your god damn mind." "Oh don't give me that shit!" I roughly pulled over to turn over to him with anger in my mind, "Give you what? A warning to stop before you make a goofy ass mistake?!" "You're protecting her now? That's fucking rich, and I thought we had an understanding." Now he was going into some dark areas, "We do! Just because I don't wanna ram her fucking head in doesn't mean I'm suddenly on Team Vought! She's just as much as an ally as I am to you, she's just still in that 'I can fix this place' phase. She's still new to this, and haven't seen the real horror yet." He sighed deeply and got closer to my face to snarl through his teeth again at me, "Every Supe is the same as that American blonde bastard, even Starlight." We kept staring at each other. My stare became more intense as I asked him one thing, "So now I'm Homelander?" He didn't say a thing, just taking a ear piece so I could talk to him and leaving the car in silence. I know he's going through shit, but that won't stop me from the kicking the shit out of him. 

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