Reflection and Training

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After that interesting first day, Yamato returns home. He sets his bag down and changes shoes, his sisters come running at him.

"Yamato! Catch us!" Inuya shouts as the girls leap, Yamato acts quick to catch both. 

"Girls we can't keep doing this." he sternly says. "Well it's always fun when you catch us." Hidemi  smiles, the girls still clinging onto his arms. He sets them down and the girls leave. He goes into the kitchen, where he finds a note from his parents.

The note read that they will arrive home late so he has to make dinner. He shrugs and heads to his room, the cat walks through his legs. "Takeshi..." he said softly. picking up the meowing cat, and brings him to his capsule. 

Yamato lies down, reflecting on what had happened. "Damn, this was nothing I expected. This homeroom teacher is gonna kick our asses. At least I may survive on my power. But everyone else has potential as well. Especially that kid, Midoriya. He's small for someone with that kind of power."

He gets up, "But tomorrow is the battle trial, I better train for it." he opens his bedroom door, only to find two little girls being nosy. He sighs in grief, the girls only laugh and runoff. He let them get away.  

Shortly afterwards, Yamato was training, testing his senses. His eyes covered by a blindfold, only using his other senses. Every sound her heard, he strikes. Every movement he felt, he attacks. Sensing footsteps with his hearing, he charges at the sound, pinning the mannequin to the ground. 

Hearing another slight sound, he charges at again. "Wait!" a voice shouts, immediately coming to a halt. He removes the blindfold to find his sisters in the training room.

"Hidemi, Inuya, what are you doing here?"

"We're hungry Yamato, and mom and dad are coming late so..." Hidemi begged. "I've only been here for an hour and a half." Yamato breathed, not even breaking a sweat. Inuya had a trick up her sleeve, with having a dog quirk, she pulled off her trick; puppy eyes. Yamato stares blankly, he rolls his eyes.

"Alright then, since you want dinner now." he gave in, the girls cheer.

"So what do you want me to make?" he asks with a smile, "Make us your favorite Yamato-kun!" Inuya pleated. The three siblings leave the training room and into the kitchen. After being bugged for a few minutes, the dinner was made. They dig in, Inuya, eating like a dog, but kind of forgetting her manners.

After swallowing, Yamato clears his throat. "Inu, what did we talk about manners?" he scolds quietly. Inuya stops abruptly, smiling awkwardly, and straightens herself. "Yamato-kun! You've knocked yourself out, this is so good." Hidemi exclaims.

"I do it for you girls." he spoke sweetly. "Aw! Thanks big brother!" Inuya lovingly bubbled. The girls hug him tightly, hugging them back, Yamato could never want other siblings.

"Well girls, I gotta get back to training." releasing them from his hug, Yamato gets up from his seat. "Okay Yamato, we'll get cleaning." Hidemi offered as she begins to clean. "Okay." Inuya agrees.

Time passed, Yamato gets back training. Moving onto his exercises, doing push-ups. While doing so, the faint sound of a person entering echoed through Yamato's ears. Immediately getting up from his workout, he finds the person to be Dr. Kohimura.

"Oh, hey Kohimura." relieved to find him, "Thanks again for making dinner for the girls. Your mother and I had quite the day." exhaustingly, he sat next to Yamato. "You tell me." simply replying.

" was your first day?"  Kohimura curiously asking, Yamato felt blank, he had no words about his day. So much had happened, and he did not want to start with his homeroom teacher Aizawa. The thought shuddered in him, " was...something." the best way he could put it up.

"Something huh?" questioning his son, Kohimura leans in. "Son, you can tell me what happened. Is there someone bothering you? Or you didn't like this day?"

Yamato takes a deep breath, "No, it's just that...our homeroom teacher is...weird."

Kohimura was dumbfounded, he couldn't understand what Yamato meant. "Like how weird?"

"For starters, the whole class had to take a test. To see if we were worth being in his class. And if one of us ended in last place they'd get expelled." Yamato begins explaining. Kohimura was just as weirded out as Yamato. "What kind of teacher would-"

"I got first place, and no one was expelled. He just said that to make sure we gave all we've got."

Left speechless, Kohimura went blank. "Won't this be quite a year." sarcastically claiming. Yamato gets up from his workout, "I'm gonna get myself cleaned now." leaving the room awkwardly. Kohimura forgot to ask an important detail. "Wait! What's the name of your teacher?"

Yamato wished he could forget, "His name is Mr. Aizawa I believe."

Because of his infinite memory, Kohimura rang a bell instantly. "Oh! The Erasure hero!" he suddenly gasps. "Wait! You're homeroom teacher is Eraser Head?!"

Yamato couldn't believe what he heard, his father knew who Aizawa was. "You know him?" trying to remain calm. "Eh, my quirk is a blessing and a curse at the same time." he chuckled.

A reminder rang up, "Oh yes, there's something you'll have to wait for tomorrow. A surprise awaits for you." he glints. "What is it?" Yamato wonders. "Now that would ruin the surprise wouldn't it?" Kohimura recalls.

It got so late, Yamato needed rest to cool his systems and regain energy. Laying in his capsule, he reflects on his day, and tells himself what to expect of this year.

"Okay, with a teacher this weird, but very strict. This will be a very fun year." he sarcastically thought. "But there's something off, did everyone really liked how I did on the test? I thought everyone would be afraid of me. Everyone around me was always afraid of me, even though I didn't want to be intimidating." he sighs. "Maybe this could be a chance at a new start...nah. I did see some classmates, and other students afraid of me. Who am I kidding? No one would ever accept me for who I am. I hate being judged, but it's life. And there's nothing I can do about it."

He lays in his capsule, drifting to sleep. But was curious about what surprise is waiting for him at school.

A/N: Yup, starting now, I will be slowly but surely, posting as often as I can. Hope you've enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you all in the next one!

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