Carina Black

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(TW: abuse, death, suicide, substance/alcohol abuse)

"Hey," said Pansy as She and the rest of our friend group walked towards me in the common room.

"Hey," i said coldly not looking up from my book

"we're sorry about what we said." Daphne said sincerely

"yeah...we didn't know your mom's a mudblo- a muggle-born," Draco said

"Whatever, just don't say something like that again. I gotta go take this book back to the library," I said closing my book and walking out of the common room.

As I walked through the halls, a million thoughts raced through my mind. did they really mean what Draco said? Were they really sorry? They all came from pureblood families. They were raised that way. To think that they were superior. I highly doubt I changed that.

when I walked into the library it was empty, minus a few students studying. i didn't want to go back to the common room so I grabbed the book One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi off the shelf and sat down. I spent 10 minutes trying to read the book but my mind kept going back to the situation with my friends. I was so bothered that I did notice someone walk up to me

"oh hello, y/n. Are you okay? You seem troubled. do you want to talk about it? I'm a great person to confide in, you can ask Cedric." Ella said slightly chuckling to herself

"Before I came to sit with you, Cedric, Athena, and Adrian, during dinner, I was sitting with my main group of friends. I had walked into the great hall with Fred Weasley, he's in your year. I walked over to the Slytherin table and all my friends were looking at me weirdly. Then they started saying some blood supremacist shit and called him a blood traitor and that he might as well be a muggle-born. Then I got really mad at them because my mom is muggle-born so I walked over to you guys" I said sighing

"did they apologize?"

"Yeah, they did. but I'm really confused about what I should do because I feel as if they're sorry because they hurt me. Not because what they did was wrong. I was taught to stick up for what I believe in and I feel like me having a different and the morally right belief will be a problem in the long run." I stated. 

Ella looked at me for a few seconds, analyzing my face. then she took a big sigh and started talking "i don't if you knew this or not but...I'm voldemort's daughter. Hence my last name." she chuckled slightly"anyway...he hated all muggles or anyone who wasn't pureblooded and as you probably know, he killed many muggles. Many people thought someone so cruel was incapable of love." Ella paused for a minute and took a deep breath "But then he met my mother. A blood traitor. she had her beliefs and he had his. But, her beauty overwieghed her beliefs and they fell in love and had me."

"she sounds like a beautiful soul" i said calmly. I have no idea what this has to do with my situation, but I'll still listen.

"She was. Carina Prewett was her name. but she perferd the last name black over prewett"

"that's a beautiful name. if you don't mind me asking...why do you keep saying 'was'."

"i getting to that part" she said with a sad laugh "after being with her for so long, he had change his mind on muggles, and his ways. The ministry didn't believe that though and wanted to send him to azkaban. My mother begged him to flee. so he did. he was found many year later. and sent to azkaban. he was killed in his sell a couple weeks before i started my first year at Hogwarts. My mom went crazy while i was gone and she confided in alcohol. she wasn't the same when i came back. and she started to hit me. a lot. I told Cedric my second year and he told my i could stay with him for Christmas break. his family was so welcoming that i almost forgot out everything going on." she said with a smile that soon faded "my mom killed herself over this summer holiday " 

"oh...I'm so sorry for your loss" i said to Ella giving her sincere smile.

"sorry to ruin the mood. the point of that story was to tell you that if someone like my dad can change, then so can your friends. it's just gonna take time. trust me." 

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