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around a month and a half later

Y/n's POV

Dear mom and dad, 

        I am so sorry that I haven't written to you since I've gotten here. I hope you'll forgive me. The school has been great so far. Harry probably told you that I was sorted into Slytherin, I'm sorry to disappoint you, dad. Me and Harry haven't talked much but I made great friends who are so much fun and I enjoy hanging out with them. I've recently become very close to Hermione Granger, who is one of harry's friends, I think you'd like her a lot. On Halloween, the professors were going to take all the first, second, and third years to go trick or treating in muggle towns, but a troll got into the castle so we didn't go. Dad, my friend Adrian is amazing at quidditch from what I've heard, he's the Slytherin beater. Speaking of quidditch, Harry is the new Gryffindor seeker and the Gryffindor versus Slytherin match is in a week on Saturday. Are you coming to the game?  I know how much dad and uncle Sirius love that sport. If Y'all do come I would love to see you! 

sorry again for not writing sooner,

N/n ❦

I close the envelope and then give it to my owl, becna, in the owlery. After that, I went to the library to study with daphne and Theo for a little while.

"Colovaria is also known as what?" daphne said. she asked the question and Theo and I raced to answer.

" Color Change Charm" i answered swiftly, making Theo groan and daphne chuckle

"What spell vanishes an object?"


"Which sub-branch of Transfiguration is considered to be the most difficult?"

"Human Transfiguration"

"correct again, Y/n" Daphne said in awe

"Thanks, daph, you and Theo should continue. I need to rest for a bit before our transfig test."

"Are you sure we only have one hour?" said daphne 

"I'll be fine Daph, I promise"daphne was about to protest what I just said but Theo spoke before she should.

"ok, just don't be late to class" I shot Theo a thankful smile before starting to leave the library

"BYE" I yelled so they could hear me

"shhh" loudly whispered Madam Pince but I just rolled my eyes and headed towards the Slytherin common room. When I entered the common room I saw Adrian and remembered I needed to ask him something 

"Hey Adrian"

"Hello n/n"

"um I know this is really weird but I don't have any Slytherin stuff for the game coming up and I was wondering if I could borrow something to wear. it's totally fine if you don't want me to, I just asked you because you're the only Slytherin that I know that has Slytherin attire because most of my friends are first years. soooooo yeah..." I completely wanted to crawl into a hole after I said that but then he finally answered.

"Yeah, of course, come by my room around an hour before the game," he said kindly which made me release a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Great! thank you so so so much! ok I got to nap before my test during third period" I said as I hugged him before going to my room to sleep

★ Time Skip ★

"N/n....N/n. BLOODY HELL Y/N WAKE UP BEFORE YOU'RE LATE FOR THAT TEST" when I woke up from my deep sleep someone was yelling at me to wake up and banging on my door. it was a male. Adrian? I checked the time and I only had 3 minutes till I had to be in transfiguration. I rushed to let Adrian in and then started looking for my shoes

"what the hell Y/n? I'm going to be late for divination because of you"

"ok OK, I'M UP...if you run now you can make it to divination on time," I said, and as soon as Adrian heard that he zoomed out of my room. very soon after he left I grabbed my bag and ran as fast as I could to transfiguration. unfortunately for me, I was a couple of minutes late, and by a couple I mean 10 minutes. I walked in just before she was about to give out the tests.

"well, how nice of you to show up miss Potter"

"sorry professor it won't happen again," I said apologetically. I then look around the class to see daphne's deadly glare. I was confused about why she was mad and then I saw Goyle sitting next to her, which is where I usually sit. Goyle has always had a "small" crush on Daph. unfortunately for him, every girl in our year is completely repulsed by him. 

"it better not. Take a seat next to your brother" McGonagall orders. I look around and see that next to Harry is indeed the only open seat.

"yes ma'am," I said while going to the seat next to Harry

"Hello," said Harry glumly

"hi," I replied. those were the only words we had said to each all class. the only words we had to each other all week. all month. we haven't talked since the fight. I miss him but I know I'm not the one who needs to apologize so he has to come to me first. we both finished the test rather quickly so it was even harder to not talk to him. although, I'm almost positive he was looking at some of my answers. when class ended, Draco, Blaise, Daphne, Pansy, Theadore, and I headed towards the great hall. we were about to walk in when someone called my name. I turned around to see Harry. All my friends gave me concerned looks but I told them I was gonna be fine and I'll find them in the great hall after.

"Hey Harry"

"um hi," he said nervously he didn't say anything for a while and I was getting really hungry

"what do you want Harry?"

"I'm sorry"


"I'm sorry"


"I'm sorry for what I said about your friends. it was rude and I should not have said any of it. I guess I was just scared that they would know my own sister better than I do...I really am sorry. I would never intentionally hur-"


"-t you, but I did anyway and I fe-"


"-el terribly about it al-"

"HARRY I FORGIVE YOU" I yell so he can shut up

"Really?" he said surprised

"yes. what did you expect? for me to be mad the rest of our lives?"

"kinda yea," he said awkwardly making me laugh

"well I'm not"

"Great! um anyway now that we're talking again, mom said we can have a few people over at the manor over the yeah" 

"yay! that's going to be so much! thanks for telling me! I need to go before Crabb eats all of the food."

"yeah bye," Harry said while laughing at my joke

Harry's POV

"How did the talk with go with N/n?" Hermione asks eagerly

"N/n? since when do you call her that," I asked curiously and a little harshly

"she and I have gotten close recently. she's a very hard worker and she is also super smart. smarter than me even." Hermione said confidently making Ron roll his eyes

"oh...anyway the talk went really well. I apologized and she forgave me. I also told her about what our mum and dad said about Christmas. Sorry your parents said no Mione"

"It's fine. I miss them anyway, but that's beside the point. Did you tell her about the troll?"

"No way! she'd tell our mom before we even got home. plus I still don't trust her friends"

"Harry's right. they're all snakes" Ron said while shoving Food in his mouth 

"whatever" Hermione said obviously annoyed

A/n: I'm back <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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