Chapter 1

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Cw/Tw: intrusive thoughts. Child neglect?, underage smoking. ED

If triggered pls don't read. Ty

Wilbur shakily brought his report card down the stairs to his dad who was currently attending his younger brother Tommy.

"Hi dad just wanted to give you my report card, I got mostly A's" he stated, unsure how his father would react.

"Good job but I'm helping Tommy right now" Philza said, not looking to the middle child. Wilbur felt hurt that his dad didn't pay attention to him but he knew it was for a good reason. He knew he wasn't as important.

"Tea will be ready in an hour" Phil said as the brown haired boy was leaving the kitchen.

The brunette made his way to his bedroom and got changed before climbing into bed and grabbing his phone.

Before he knew it there was a gentle knock on his door to which he replied with a small 'come in' to see his older brother techno. The pinkette told Wil his tea was ready before abruptly leaving his room, leaving the door open.

Wilbur hastily got up from the comfort of his bed only to walk down the stairs into the kitchen.

"E-er dad could you maybe wrap up my dinner, I'm not really hungry right now?" He said knowing full well he wasn't going to eat it later. His dad didn't think twice about it before giving a quick nod and turning his attention back to his brothers.

The 16 year old gave Wilbur a sceptical look then turning away from the brown eyed boy.

Your dad doesn't care about you
Your not enough
They hate you
Good that you haven't eaten
Your fat anyway

The intrusive thoughts started as Wil walked up the steps to his bedroom. He believed the voice. He needed to try harder so his dad would be proud, to be happy to have Wilbur as a son.

All he needed to hear was 'I'm proud of you son'. The words his dad told his brothers everyday, but not him, it was never Wilbur. He was a failure as a son.
Wil stayed up all night trying to prove he was enough, to show he was a good son. He studied for hours.

He heard a knock on the door only for it to opened by his perfect brother Techno.

"Hey Wil, what ye doing?" He questioned, his monotone voice making it sound intimidating. "Oh hey Tech, just studying" he replied. "Okay well bye then" and with that he left the room.

He had friends inside and outside of school. Niki and jack inside of school and Schlatt, Quackity and Minx outside of school.

His friends outside of school were bad influences and he knew that but they were a distraction from reality. A way to relax and not feel stressed.
Hey Wil wanna come out?
Just come out I haven't seen u in a while
Aw does the bitchboy miss me?
Fuck no just come out
Fine but only for like 2 hours

So Wilbur changed again, grabbed his trench coat and beanie then left the house. It's not like his family paid any attention to his nor notice he was gone so it didn't matter if he stayed out long.

When he got to the park he was met with a very energetic minx who also had a cigarette in her hand and was about to light it when she spotted Wilbur.

"AY WIL" she shouted enthusiastically while he walked over to the group of 3 people, making it 4.

"YES MY MAN" schlatt shouted when he finally made it over. "How's it doing schlatt, minx, quack?" He questioned to his friends while taking a cigarette from the newly opened packet.

"Good, you?" Quackity replied. "Ye ye been good" Wilbur said placing the tobacco between his lips and lighting it.

He inhaled the smoke, letting it travel to his lungs as he missed, no craved the feeling of it.

Relaxation took over his body as the cigarette worked it's magic. They talked for a while until he had to leave, but firstly making sure he didn't smell of smoke otherwise he would be in very big trouble, however his family probably didn't notice he was even gone.

He quickly said bye to his friends and wandered back down the same path he entered.
By the time he got home it was nearing midnight. He climbed through his window to his dimly lit room and quickly changed before brushing his teeth and getting back into bed and let sleep take over his exhausted body.

He woke up at 6 in the morning. '6 hours not bad' he thought to himself before quietly getting out the comfort of the bed and making his way to his desk and sitting down.

Might as well make myself useful
Study so your dad likes you
Work harder

The thoughts came back as he opened his book to start reading, only so he could get better grades on his next exam. So he would earn the words of his father 'I'm proud of you'.

He read more challenging books to become better at the subjects he was 'failing' at even though he got B's on them.

Finally it was time to get ready for school even though he thought he didn't study enough for his upcoming test the following week.

When he was ready he made his way downstairs and slipped on his shoes and looked in the kitchen to find his dad and brothers eating breakfast.

"I'm going to school" he called out, not waiting for an answer before leaving through the front door and following the path to the building where he would spend 6 hours to make his dad proud.

First chapter woo, I was reading angst and thought to try it out myself.
Take care of urself 💞

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