Chapter 3

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Can I just give a quick shoutout to @MiGuShAh for being my first voter for both the firsts n second chapter <3

Cw/Tw: intrusive thoughts, self harm, child neglect?, ED.

The brunette woke up for school the next morning. He had a test today and was planning on getting 100%.

He went to the bathroom and took his top off to get int he shower. He hated his reflection. He didn't used to but now you could see his ribs poking out but he still found fat tot pull on.

Look how fat you are
I know
Do something about it
I might die
Good no one cares anyway
I know

He made it his duty everyday to eat as little to no food. And try to impress his dad to the best of his abilities.

When he got to school that morning he walked in with his brother Techno and went straight to his friends.

"Hey Niki his Jack" he said as he walked over. "Oh hi Wil good to see you" Jack smiled at the boy. "Yeah yeah ready for the test" he smiled back at them. "Oh ye" Niki said. Jack just stood there. "We have a test?" He said quite panicked.

(Time skip cos why not)
He was in maths just been given his test. Everything was easy and he was happy his dad would finally acknowledge his good grades and he wouldn't be a failure of a son.

He ran through the test easy as it was easy because he had studied but now he was left with his thoughts of if he didn't get 100% his dad wouldn't talk to him again and he would be more of a disappointment.

There was 10 minutes left so he looked through his test and just thought for 5 minutes. The rest of the time he just doodled at the back of his test until the time was over.

"Okay class pens off paper and Lucy will collect them in." The teacher stated and everyone passed along their tests to be handed in.

I really hope my dad will be proud
He never is
I hope I do

Wilbur thought as the teacher announced the reward for the rest of the 15 minutes rest of the class, as there wasn't really time to start something now.

They were now playing hang man. Wilbur wasn't paying attention as he was thinking of ways to make his dad proud.

He just needed to hear it. His dad would never be proud of a failure of a child. An insecure, 14 year old who isn't enough. He blocks out every other thought than one.

Make Phil proud.
Holy shit this is so short I promise the next chapter will be much better and many more words. Anyway hope u enjoyed
Take care of urself 💞

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