Chapter VI

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][ ~ Astra Militarum ~][


Kara screamed in bewilderment while J'onn and Batman kept their posture affirm. "Look. Sorry, but Green Lantern needs more abled bodies to search for this Imperium, and gather any intel we can should this Imperium appear. Though Superman would be the best choice, he is needed at Metropolis – and you are tasked with supervising our visitors." "Yeah! We were both tasked on that – yet now you're telling me I'm to do it alone?!" The blonde Superhero exclaimed and with eyeing dagger towards Batman. "Plans changed. You can work it out." Batman's pathetic short and simple guise to motivate and encourage Supergirl was seen right through. 'Hah! He really just said, 'work it out' like that's equivalent to being said; 'well that is not my problem, so it is all yours' urgh! Clark why are you friends with him?!'

"It will be simple – just keep an eye on them and observe them – and keep us posted." J'onn reassured as he grasps Kara's shoulder; in a form to comfort the girl. "I know you have a lot on your plate, especially right now. But I know you can do this, you're Supergirl – the toughest woman I know!" The comment successfully made Supergirl break out a smile. "Okay" her voice was low and quiet; nearly as silence, yet with her word on it – J'onn and Batman could rest assured that Supergirl would take on the role magnificently.

][ ~ Astra Militarum ~][

Within the end of the meeting's dismissal, Batman began a private interaction between him and the Watchmaster, while the Grenadier and Martian Manhunter stood waiting by the door. "Watchmaster 057299-3287, or would you prefer the name Masha; Watchmaster?" Batman illustrated an impressive feat to remember her designated number, as opposed to the humans and certain psyker that struggled to even make her speak. "Whichever suits you, sir." She replied, to which Batman nodded before he continued. "Since you and your subordinate will be allowed to catch and apprehend this psyker, you will need to abide by the planet's law, rule and regulation. You will be permitted weapons, but must be under observation at all times – that being Supergirl – which will be your acting-commanding-officer on the fields." Batman paused to see whether the soldiers were following through, to only be not disappointed at how attentive the soldiers were.

"Now I don't have to mention that there will be consequences should any rule, or law be broken. So as a reminder, you should do well on listening to whatever orders Supergirl relays to you. Am I clear?" Batman's voice was what a korpsman would listen to, only it would have been better if he had been an Inquisitor, or perhaps a Space Marine. "Understood, sir!" the Watchmaster stomped her boots together and saluted.

'For now, I would do best in cooperating with them until I can guarantee a way to communicate the Imperium.'

The Watchmaster devised as she knew the Justice League was wary of them, and the Imperium. She could see it, through their eyes and through the thick stench of anxiousness that filled the room. There were no chances that the korpsmen would be allowed to leave freely, and even if there were a subtle little chance – the main question would be 'why'. Though for now, the Watchmaster would await and act accordingly to the situation – and see how their situation would turn out. 'The Emperor protects.'

][ ~ Astra Militarum ~][

Under the agreement between Batman and the Watchmaster, the former captives were freed from the chains and cuffs – and suited in their elements. Strapped and cleaned in their uniforms; their dark heavy grey trenchcoat, rugged helmet, and the oddly menacing gas mask that nearly represented a good portrayal of a skull – that was attached to a tube that seems to lead to their own oxygen supply – everyone who saw them either scurried and trip in their haste, or stood frozen and still as these 'dead soldiers' walked past them.

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