How about another joke, Murray?

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I got many Joker suggestions but sorry I didn't include them in this chapter, but worry not because this book would be long. So I would do all Joker  scenes in the future. I have a question for you so comment the answer or message me.

The question is after the multiverse.

Lucy: Oh you are in for some treat tonight.

Kaminari: So it's a good universe?

Lucy: No it's one of the many backstories of the Joker.

Kaminari: Holy .....

Lucy: Let's start ignoring everyone else's questions.

Izuku is shown in some live show in a joker get up with Gran Torino (before you question me, he was the only old mha guy I could find) and Jirou and Dabi sitting on a nearby couch.

Joker: ..... killed those three Wall Sytreet guys.

Kirishma: Midobro a killer? 

Shoji: After everything we have seen, I am not to surprised.

Ochako: But why did he kill them?

Lucy: it will be explained later on.

Kaminari: Why the get up?

Lucy: Later on.

GT: Okay I am waiting for a punchline.
Midoker: There is no punchline. It's not a joke.
GT:  You're serious aren't you? You're telling us you killed those three young men on the subway?
Midoker: hm- hmmm.
GT: And why should we believe you?
Midoker: I ain't got nothing left to lose.

Aizawa: A man who has nothing to lose is the most dangerous man. He is more dangerous than your average villains.

Shigaraki: Are you saying we are your average villains?

AFO: Calm down Tomura.

PM: Yeah calm down shota.

Midoker: Nothing can hurt me anymore. *Chuckles* My life is nothing but a comedy

Inko: What happened to him that he became like that?

Lucy: Well first his father left him when he was born, leaving you and your son to live alone in a small apartment in the ..... bad part of town. Then Your ex tortured him when he was a child. Like tying him to a radiator, the usual. He was already malnourished and forced to work for a living at an early age. He developed a disease which caused him to laugh pointlessly due to some triggered event or just for the sake of it. Then he got fired from his already low paying job as he was framed by a man for carrying a gun. Just when he thought things couldn't get worse, you fell ill and got hurt. When he got hold of your medical history, it was the final straw. You allowed him to be tortured.

Inko: What!? *Starts crying in Mitsuki's shoulder*

AFO: 'No one should go through that.

All Might: Young Midoriya....

Ochako: Deku.....

GT: let me get this straight, you think killing those guys is funny?
Joker: I do. And I'm tired of pretending it's not. Comedy is subjective Murray, isn't it what they say? All of you... the system that knows so much... you decide what's right or wrong? The same way you decide, what's funny or not.
GT: Okay I understand that you... did this to start a movement? To become a symbol?
Joker: Come on, Murray... Do I look like the kind of clown that could start a movement? I killed those guys because they were awful. Everybody is awful these days. It's enough to make anyone crazy.
GT: Okay, so that's it. You're crazy. That's your defense for killing three young men?
Joker: Nah. They couldn't carry a tune to save their lives.

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