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Lucy: So we are going to take a break from the movie for a while. So that's why we are going to watch a short clip of Captain Deku Sparrow. He's a pirate with a crew and an enemy who can't go on land. He sends a monster called kraken after Sparrow. Sensing danger the crew betrays him. Let's see what happens!

Kaminari: That is actually a lot to take in.

Lucy: Ignoring him let's start.

Scene starts by Deku standing alone on the ship with his hand cuffed to the pillar. Mellissa goes down and sits on the boat with his so called trusted crew. The crew included of Mellissa, Todoroki, Bakugo, Mineta, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero. "where's Deku?" Todoroki asked looking at Mellissa with jealousy. Mellissa noticed this and repeated the same look with anger. "He elected to stay back and give us a chance."

Kirishima: Why the hate bro?

Lucy: Todoroki loves Mellissa, but he just saw Mellissa kisss Deku.

Kaminari: Oh man hope you find another one.

Mellissa just blushed while other women and girls looked at her with hate and envy.

Lucy: But Mellissa also loves Todoroki but she kissed Deku to trap him and cuff his hand to the pillar.

Sero: Tough times.

"GO!" Mellissa ordered. Mineta left the rope which was tying them with the ship and they began sailing away. While Deku was just trying to break the cuff. He tried pulling it but to no avail. Then he stopped suddenly cause he sensed something sinister and evil coming towards him. The ship began to rock to one side. He took out his sword and tried to hook a lantern with it. He was successful in this and then broke the lantern releasing some oil on his wrist.

Ochaco: Yeah you can do it Deku!

Nezu: I wonder what the aura was of.

Then he tried to pull his now loose hand from the cuff and after a lot of struggle he was successful. But some tentacles came up from behind him. He had just released his hand from the cuff when more tentacles and the head of kraken came up.

Kaminari: Holy shit!
Kirishima: Holy crap!
Sero: Holy molly!

Bakugo: What the fuck is that?!

Lucy: That is the kraken. And it could take on AFO easily.

Shigaraki: Stupid monster.

Eri: That's scary.

Deku looked behind to see the many sharp and pointy teeth of the kraken. Then the monster roared and he was covered in slimy saliva. "Not so bad." Deku commented as he wiped off some slime from his face. He then put on his pirates hat.

PM: He is super chilled about it though.

Aizawa: He is going to do something reckless. 

Midnight: That's one gross monster.

Deku took out his sword and then jumped towards the monsters open sharp mouth. The kraken attacked him with its jaw opened while Deku took his stance. Many tentacles wrapped around the ship and began to sink it.

Inko: My boy!

All Might: Young Midoriya!

1-A: Izuku! Midoriya! Deku!

The crew looked at the now sunk ship, with regret, shock and shame.

Bakugo: Now you regret it! 

Mitsuki: Oi brat calm down!

The said crew again hung down their head in shame, especially Ms. Sheild.

Lucy: oh don't worry. He comes back from the dead. His rival captain revives him.

This put some relief on the students and heroes.

Lucy: Now continuing the movie.

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