Chapter 2

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"Ameena, you need to forget about them and leave," the demon said, still holding me back from helping the children his fellow demons planned to slaughter.

"Forget about them," I whispered, disgusted. "You inconsiderate beast, let go of me," I yelled, pushing myself out of his grasp. "Why is this happening, those people, those... those children have done nothing to deserve any of this."

"Look if I could have done anything to save them I would have but I couldn't, now Ameena we must go. If you will not come I will have to take you with me, forcefully."

"You will do no such thing because no matter what I'm not coming with you, I will kill you if you touch me again. Now leave me alone, I must get back to the village," I said determined, slinging my bow back over my shoulder.

"Listen they are dead, all of them. There is no going back for anyone because there is no one left and if you do leave you will be killed. If you are dead who is to avenge their deaths?"

Struggling with myself I knew he was right, there was no denying something terrible had happened but I wasn't sure if they were dead or if they were being held captive as some plan. And I couldn't believe that some demon had a change of heart and wanted to help save some elf they found in the forest, I was young but I wasn't stupid.

The sound of twigs snapping and rustling within the trees brought me out of my thoughts. Using my eyes I could see numerous large masses of heat off in the distance, demons.

"They are coming, we need to leave," the demon said, I swore I could hear a little anger behind his tone.

Cursing to myself I knew I couldn't fight off all these demons and make it out alive. I had no choice but to follow the demon, quickly making a decision I knew I would come to regret I started running. I could hear his footsteps behind me, demons were fast and he could've passed me in a heartbeat, so I assume he was keeping watch to make sure I wouldn't leave his sight and escape. That was the last thing on my mind at the moment, I had so many thoughts in my head, the people in the village, the children, wondering if they suffered terribly, and what exactly was going on. Keeping up my pace I felt my lungs start to burn and my legs cry out for me to stop but I didn't, I couldn't, looking back I could see the demons were getting closer. If I didn't think fast and come up with something I doubted I would make it out alive. I wasn't sure if I could do it but I had to try, coming to a halt I knelt down to the earth and placed my hands on the ground.

Closing my eyes I concentrated on the task at hand trying my best to clear my mind. The screams of my people kept ringing in my ears causing me to lose focus. The demons were getting closer and if I couldn't get myself to calm down all their deaths would be for nothing.

"Ameena what are you doing? Get up, we need to keep going."

Ignoring the demon I placed my hands on the ground again, I thought of the kind elves in the village that took me in when I was young and showed me I wasn't alone. I thought of the children who would greet me everyday and ask to see my bow and stare at it in awe like it was their first time seeing it. I thought of Ziri, the special little girl who held a big place in my heart and had the brightest smile. Letting my anger takeover I used the pain I felt from their loss and cried out. The roots from the trees shot up and impaled the demons feet rooting them in place, another set of roots launched up encircling around their wrists keeping them from freeing themselves. Looking at all the demons I wished I could set them all ablaze, clenching my fingers in the dirt I brought up another root larger than the others straight into their chest. Other small roots branched off from the main one spreading throughout their body causing them to scream. Their thrashing movements quickly became slower until they were completely still, immobilized, but their screams continued. Finishing it off I used the roots at their wrists to snap their limbs ensuring that we would have time to get away.

Quickly standing up I stumbled back shocked at what I had done, the brutality of it. I knew I hadn't killed them as demons were impossible to kill but I had put them in agony for a long time until they could free themselves. My body and mind had felt different at the time, I was still in control and was aware of what I was doing but something came over me, something dark. Telling myself it was just my rage and pain clouding my judgement and making my actions seem out of the norm I turned and continued walking on.

The demon hadn't said anything after what I did, we just walked in silence. We had been walking for hours, the sun was still out but it'd be setting soon. I was starting to get hungry only having had munched on some berries I had found I knew I'd have to stop to eat soon.

"My name is Thane.."

"I don't care what your name is demon and I sure didn't ask for it," I said, angrily hoping he'd just keep his mouth shut. Listening for any sound of rushing water near by I heard nothing, sighing I knelt down again and placed my hands on the ground. Without a word I continued walking taking a left cutting through the trees.

"Where are you going?"

"I know that demons don't have to eat actual food but us elves do, and thanks to your friends I haven't eaten all day. There is water a ways ahead which means the possibility of me being able to finally eat," I said with a sneer.

Coming upon a small pond surrounded by rocks I used my eyes to search for any fish, thankfully there were a few and I silently rejoiced. Pulling out my bow I set my eyes on one fish, steadying my bow I breathed out as I let the arrow go marking my target. Reaching down I pulled it out and placed it on a rock, needing to make a fire I gathered up some wood and leaves. It was dark when I got the fire going, walking back to the fish I caught I pulled out a knife I had inside my skirt by my hip and started to scale and gut the fish. Once I was done I brought it to the fire to cook sitting down on the forest floor letting my thoughts drift. A figure had sat across from me beyond the fire, startling me out of my thoughts, I had forgotten about the demon while I was busy preparing the fish.

"Why are you still here?" I questioned.

"What?" The demon questioned back, irritating me.

"I said, why are you still here? As in why can I still feel your presence and see you?"

"As much as you want me to leave you alone, I can't. If I do that you'll more than likely end up dead."

"And why can't you? Why am I a target?" I asked, frustrated at still not having any answers to explain why my life changed so suddenly and why so many innocent lives had to be taken.

"I came here to protect you Ameena."

"I don't believe that, not from a demon. Your kind doesn't protect anything, all you do is destroy and take no matter what or who is in the way."

"I'm telling the truth," the demon said, sighing.

"Really? You? A demon? Your here to protect me from what exactly, the demon king?"

"Yes, I am. He wants you dead and he won't stop killing anyone and everything until he gets to you."

"And why is that? What's so special about me?"

"Because Ameena... you're the only one who can kill him."

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