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I haven't moved from my spot on the floor in hours. I know I'll have to get up at some point. I can't stay here forever, even though I really want to just die here.

Why don't murderers choose me? Am I not good enough to be killed?

Who am I kidding? I'm never good enough for anything. I can't even succeed in killing myself.

My phone buzzes. I ignore it. I really don't want to talk to anyone right now.

I finally get the courage to stand up. I don't bother locking the door, if a theif wants to come in and shoot me, so be it.

I make my way to my bedroom and flop onto the bed. My eyes travel to the picture frame that shows me and Madison smiling brightly while I slept at her house. She was one of the only ones who made me happy, even when my dad was being a dick.

I grab the frame and hold it close to my chest, squeezing my eyes shut.

Why, why did it have to be her?

I don't know how long I've been laying in bed. It must have been long though, considering it's dark outside.

A knock sounds on my door. I ignore it, just like I've ignored my phone. I can't even think about interacting with anyone.

The knocking eventually stops, but I do hear footsteps.

"Y/N?" Just hearing his voice makes me cry harder.

"I knew you weren't just sick." Wilbur makes his way over to the bed.

I'm still clutching onto the picture for dear life.

"What's wrong?" He sits beside me.

I just shake my head. I can't say it. I just can't.

He slowly gets a look at the picture I'm holding. "Does it have to do with Madison?"

I shake my head yes. I remember telling Wilbur all about my life during one of our late night talks when I first moved here. I told him about me and Madison's friendship. He knows how much she means to me.

I'm absolutely sobbing. "She killed herself," I cry out.

Will rubs my arm. "I'm so sorry."

I just continue to sob. I can't do anything else at the moment. This feeling is so raw. The pure pain that I feel, the loss, the heartbreak. It's all too much.

I need a release, but I promised everyone that I stopped. I said that I was never going to harm myself again.

"She's in a better place though. She's not in pain anymore." He tells me.

"I know, I just wish that I would have known. Why didn't I notice? The signs were there! But I was blind to them."

"Sh, it's okay. It's going to be okay. You'll get through this."

"I don't know if I will."

"We'll be here every step of the way, Y/N. I'm not going to leave."

I release her picture to hug Will.

"I don't want to forget her."

"You won't. You'll always have her in your heart and memories. She'll love on in you, her family, and her friends."

"Thank you," I squeek out.

"Of course. You're like a sister to me."

I nod my head and start to fall asleep.


"Madison?" I ask.

I hear her laugh coming from somewhere in the darkness.

I'm Sorry Too (The Sequel) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now