15 turtore and the bishop

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Ok everyone before I start the votes are 4 for Yes 1 for no so guess what Raynare is pregnant and since only one person picked a gender thanks Firey-Taz I'll do that and the name and 5 votes for both lighting and flame.

Y/n pov

I was sitting at my desk in the orc as raynare was sitting on one of the couches munching on a jar of pickles when Azazel walks in " Ah there you two are I came by to see how everything is going..... Ah Raynare I thought you hate pickles?" She nods before swallowing " I do but lately I've had craving for pickles, I'm about to go see the medic at grigori today to find out if something is wrong." I nod " Then go on ahead Ray I'll finish up here." She stands up setting the empty jar on my desk before teleporting away " So y/n I hear parents day is around the corner should I tell Baraqiel?" I shake my head and set the trade route report to the side " No I asked Suzaku to come she will be less embarrassing." Azazel sighs " Good because I have him on a mission at the moment but anyway how are the routes?"

Raynare pov

I walk in to the infirmary and look at the human nurse Yes grigori employs humans " So Miss Raynare what seems to be the issue?" I sigh as I look up " I don't know doc but I been sick in the mornings and I been sore all over." The doc nods " Well let me get a blood sample real quick." I nod and hold out my arm as she fills sirenge before walking out leaving me alone. It's not long before I grow bored and start to fiddle with my chair when she walks in with a few pieces of paper, " So doc what is wrong with me?" I ask as the nurse smiles " Well there is not apparent illnesses to be concerned about but the test did reveal the exact cause of your symptoms." I nod as I raise a eyebrow " Congratulations Raynare you are pregnant." I drop the pen I was playing with as I hits the ground " Wait you mean Me a mom?!" I yell as she nods " Now before you  do anything let me ask you this was you partner also a fallen?" I nod as I feel my face heat up remembering the pool. " Yes it was y/n." The nurse nods

" Then ma'am there is three way this baby can come out." I raise my eyebrow " Three?" She nods and hold up one finger " The first is the baby may end up fully human." I sigh with a nod " The second is it may be a hybrid like it's parents but the third is one we hope the most." I lean forward interested " The last option is that it will be born a pure fallen angel in fact the first natural born fallen angel." I look down and place my hand on my stomach " So what should I look out for?"

She nurse shrugs " For the most part do the normal routine for pregnancy but if it is the third option your body will naturally reinforce itself so expect your 6th wing by the end off the second trimester and your 8th in the final days." I nod and stand up " Thanks doc."  I say and teleport back to find Azazel and y/n still sitting at y/n's desk "...that is all for the multiple business in the area... oh Ray your back." Y/n says as they both look at me " Well we figured out what is wrong so I got good news and good news." Both of their eyebrows raise as I take a deep breath before speaking again " In terms of overall health I'm  fine but...." I pause and look y/n dead in the eyes and rest a hand on my stomach " I'm pregnant." Azazel blinks rapidly as y/n's jaw drops as a tone sounds from somewhere.

Y/n.exe has stopped working would you like to send a report.

" That is great Raynare I'm glad but lets fix y/n." Azazel says with a massive grin as y/n shakes his head " I'm  glad I got a platinum card now but something tells me it's not that simple." I nod " The is a 33% chance that it will be born a pure fallen angel." I look towards Azazel as he crashes as y/n's eyes widen the he gets pale " But it can also inherit our holy elements to?" I look down in awe at the aspect of the child weilding that amount of power when Azazel reboots " That's amazing you both are about to do what only God could have done!"

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