20 Kuroka's innocence

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Y/n pov

I sat at my desk reading some reports from the underground when I hear a circle open. " Well there you are handsome." Hello Kuroka what can I do for you?" I glance up to see the stray " Can we go try and get my freedom now?" I sigh and look at the clock. " Alright let's go." I say standing up after writing a note explaining where I going. " So let get this trip on the way." I say as we teleport to Kuroka's old master's place to find vali, biku and Arthur " So a team search?" They nod as we make our way into the abandoned building and Kuroka leads us to a study. " This is where I killed him." I nod and frown and use the himejima flames to lighten the room to see it was just a normal room. " Ok if I was a evil man where to hide my labs?" Biku says as he walks around Kuroka scoffs as I channel magic to my eyes and look around. "Hey y/n what happened to your eyes?" I shrug " I don't know just happened one day but it helps Taking notes." I say before drawing my Arondight " Wow where you get that?" Arthur asks " Satanael but I found the lab." I point out as I cut a bookcase in half. " Yea I'm not going down there." Arthur and biku nod at each other before teleporting away. " Vali call Azazel I'll call Sirzechs." He nods as a circle appears by his ear.

Both Azazel and Sirzechs arrive " So y/n why call us here?" Sirzechs growls " I figure you would like to see the other side to Kuroka's story forgive me but the report seemed to short for my liking." I say jabbing my thumb at the now open pathway."  Sirzechs raises a eyebrow in confusion. " But why help a chaos brigade member?" Azazel asks as I sigh " The other day we had a vistor from the future and it was Lucy we all lose both us and the chaos brigade. 666 gets released and we are wiped out. I want to start taking steps." I say as I start to walk down the steps " Very well then we must start preparing." Sirzechs says from behind. After some walking I end up gagging " Fucking shit!" I cover my nose " Yep this is disgusting." I nod as we keep going before we come to a metal door I press my hand against it to hear it groan. " Not using magic to open it." I grunt before bringing my leg up and kicking it sending it flying open.

" I grunt before bringing my leg up and kicking it sending it flying open

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"Holy shit." I mutter as I walk in revealing lines of containers of bodies in various states of decay " I see that we were wrong." I keep walking noting the different equipment in the lab before coming to a bench with papers on it. After a few  minutes of reading " Hey Sirzechs, Azazel get over here I found his notes." I callout and hand the papers to the two as Kuroka walks up shivering. "Kuroka I am terribly sorry for the misunderstanding." Sirzechs says as  Kuroka nods and latches on to my arm. " More that way." I raise my eyebrow and look at Sirzechs who has gone pale. I bring up Arondight and slowly make my way in the direction Kuroka pointed which vali right behind me with a circle in his hand. " why are you two so tense?" Sirzechs asks I keep quiet as I come to a door and feel my rage building as I read the sign aloud. " test subjects nekomata and nekoshou." I glance at Kuroka who had tears in her eyes.

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