chap 23 the end of the brigade

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A few days after the fight we can find y/n sitting on a couch in the living room beside him was raynare with a baby Lucy in her arms as both were looking at xenovia, sona and Kuroka. "So after much thinking we are going to set some things in place." Y/n says as they nod as y/n looks at sona. "Now sona why did you not tell you were pregnant?" Sona rubs the back of her neck. "I never took the test but when it was time to get things rolling is when the signs started showing. " y/n rubs his temples as he turns and looks at the teenage Lucy who was sitting in a sit with her head in the corner. "Now young lady have you learned not to charge a dragon?" Teenage Lucy nods. "Yes dad." Y/n smiles as raynare rolls her eyes. "Are you ready to tell where the chaos brigade fbase is?" She nods and y/n gives her permission to leave the corner.

"Where?" Lucy sighs and look up. "They were hiding in the old castle of Lucifer but before you go storming dad..." Lucy starts as she feel everyone's eyes on her. "If you go and kill them right now then this version on me wouldn't exist anymore." Y/n nods as raynare hands him baby Lucy and hugs the older lucy. "Sweetie your father knew that when he started making steps why do you think he has been letting you enjoy the peace." Raynare says as she runs her hand through her daughters hair. "Ok mom I.....I'm ready." Y/n smiles as the crest for the pheniex family appears and in a small burst of flames ravel pheniex appears. "Lord y/n himejima I have a request."

Y/n pov

I sigh and look at reval. "Let me guess you want me to release your brother." She blinks before nodding when her parents appear behind her. " You fallen trash relase my son!" Lord pheniex yells as baby Lucy starts crying and immediately lady pheniex smacks her husband with a frying pan. "Shut up!" Raynare, xenovia and sona nod as sona takes baby Lucy and the girls leave the room. "Why should I release him give me a good soild reason. Because the simple fact that you tried to steal land that didn't belong to Rias can easily be mistaken as act of war." I say as I lean back and see my arms on the couch and glare at lord pheniex.

" I say as I lean back and see my arms on the couch and glare at lord pheniex

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"You see lord-" lady pheniex starts before I cut her off. "No lord just y/n but please do tell." She sighs and nods. "I see that we spoiled Riser and as such I was hoping to make a offer." I raise a eyebrow in mock confusion when ravel steps forward. "You get my hand in marriage in exchange for my big brother." I glance at raynare who was leaning on the door to the kitchen as she nods. " Fine but on the following conditions." I state as lord pheniex brush into to flames. "There will be no conditions you retched peice of trash!" I glare at him. "You are the ones coming to me to release him I can very well have him slowly tortured for the rest of eternity and you are in my home I was nice enough to let you in since you do not bare gifts so check your place. This discussion is over please leave." I say standing up as I activate my eyes.

Before anyone can speak lady pheniex teleports her husband home before turning to me and bowing

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Before anyone can speak lady pheniex teleports her husband home before turning to me and bowing. "I apologize for my husband it's his fault Riser ended up the way he did as for gifts please take these." She says as she pulls a small box from between her breasts and hands it to me. Opening the box I see 5 bottles of pheniex tears. "I sigh and close the box. "My first condition was that ravel and I get to know the other first the second was for Riser to be kept on a tight leash." Lady pheniex smiles and nods as ravel nods and hugs her mom. I look back at the box and grin before looking at the full moon. "Time to stop a fuck up."


No ones pov

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No ones pov

Y/n, Baraqiel and raynare where floating above the hide out of the chaos brigade and the three raise their arms and chant a spell y/n had brought from the past as Azazel watched from a distance. "We the children of God combine for a attack upon thyne enemies let the bolts of heaven rain down upon them, let heavens flame burn thy enemies to ash we pray oh father that our aim is true, we pray that this while wipe our enemies from your divine gaze!" As they chant Azazel looks up as the sky turns from it's normal red to a golden yellow as the system aims the spell down at the castle as the circle becomes a mix of blue, yellow. "Its been years since I saw this spell." Azazel mutters as the chaos brigade rushes outside to see what was happening and at the front was none other then Euclid Lucifuge, and Rizevim Livan Lucifer who pale right when the three fallen call the name of the spell. "FLAME LIGHTING DIVINIE JUDGEMENT!

A pillar of fire, lighting and golden light slams in to the castle and the chaos brigade as they all scream in pain as they are electrocuted and burned before the the light turns the devil to ash while the elements destroyed the fallen angels that joined. As he pershed rizevim screamed. "DAMN YOU!DAMN YOU ALLL!" After that the area was quiet as the system went back to its normal duties of maintaining the balance. When the teen Lucy appears. "You did it mama, papa the future is safe." She flies over and hugs them as she slowly starts turning to dust.

"Thank you for accepting me I just hope this me will be better then I was

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"Thank you for accepting me I just hope this me will be better then I was." Y/n hugs her tighter. "Your are my baby girl that is all the reason I need to accept you." Lucy chokes back a sob as raynare places a hand on her cheek as tears where pouring from her own. "We love you." Lucy nods as the dust was now at her stomach y/n pulls back and leaves a hand on her shoulder with tears In his own eyes. "Walk tall my daughter." Lucy nods and smiles. "I love you mama and papa!" She says right as she fades away.

Sorry to end on a sad note and for the short chapter but for the life me I couldn't come up with many mode ideas for this story so expect maybe 2 or 3 more chapters

Sorry to end on a sad note and for the short chapter but for the life me I couldn't come up with many mode ideas for this story so expect maybe 2 or 3 more chapters

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