(13) Ethereal

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"(Yn), your boyfriend's here!"

I can hear my dad calling me from the kitchen. "Be there in a second!" I yell back.

I quickly grab my woven bag, throw a swimsuit inside, and slide on my sandals. I walk out the door but jolt to a stop when I've realized I had forgotten something. I dart back to my room and grab the small box that was sitting on my nightstand. I gently set it in my bag and run down the stairs. I kiss my dad on the cheek and say goodbye, before running out of our house into the bright, Colombian sunlight.

I smile when I see Camilo standing outside waiting for me, along with Mirabel, Antonio, and all of the other Madrigal grandkids. Mirabel grins at me. "We thought you'd never come! What were you doing up there?"

I give her a smug grin. "You'll see~"

Mirabel groans in annoyance. "You know I hate waiting!"

"You'll find out soon enough."

"Can we walk any faster?" We glance over to see Luisa at the front of the group, looking annoyed with our slow pace. "I haven't had a chance to go swimming at the waterfall in ages!"

I smile. I knew how much Luisa was looking forward to taking a break and getting the chance to swim again, which was something she hadn't done in a while.

As we begin walking out of the town and into the jungle, Dolores pauses for a moment and listens around her. "We're close. I can hear the waterfall from here."

Antonio jumps in the air and cheers. "Yay!!" He exclaims, running down the path, with Luisa following close behind him.

As our group reaches the clearing, warm fuzzy memories of Camilo and mine's first kiss flood back to me. I know he's having the same fond memories when he walks up to me carrying a basket of food and gives me a side hug and a kiss on my cheek.

We begin unpacking the supplies we had brought for our day of swimming and setting up our things. As Isabela and I begin spreading out blankets along the forest floor, I can already see Dolores scolding Camilo for trying to steal the food for our lunch. I giggle when I notice Camilo trying to swipe an apricot from the basket anyway, only for Dolores to smack his hand away. Camilo notices me laughing and turns to face me. "You're supposed to be on my side!" He exclaims.

"I'm a neutral bystander." I say shrugging my shoulders.

Isabela smooths out a corner of the blanket before looking over at Dolores. "Isn't Mariano supposed to be coming?"

We all look expectantly at Dolores, who listens around her. "He's just now departing the village. He should arrive in ten to fifteen minutes."

"Ooh!" I quickly bounce up and run over to my bag. "I wanted to give you guys something!" I explain, pulling out the box. Everyone gathers around and I slowly open it up, revealing several woven bracelets. "After Mirabel taught me the basics of embroidering, I decided to play around with some yarn and weave all of us friendship bracelets! You guys all mean so much to me and I honestly see you like family, so consider this a thankyou gift." I say, handing differently colored bracelets to each Madrigal grandchild. They all smile as they slide them onto their wrists. Red for Dolores, yellow for Camilo, orange for Antonio, purple for Isabela, blue for Luisa, teal for Mirabel, and (fc) for me.

Mirabel admires the bracelet around her wrist. "(Yn), these are beautiful. I'll never take it off!" Mirabel gives me a smug grin. "You must've had a pretty good teacher, huh?"

"I could give you her contact information if you'd like." I say with a wink.

Everyone thanks me before we put on our swimsuits so we can cool off in the water.

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