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Chapter 54

The issue blew up at a dance practice. They were practicing hard to promote your group. Yeonjun was back to dance practice by then, only being limited by the cast on his arm. He had insisted on doing it even though you had insisted on not doing it. He seemed fine though, but that didn't stop you from constantly eyeing him through the mirror while you worked on editing some clips from the short film.

It started off small.

"(Y/N)! I did good, right?" Taehyun asked, catching your attention.

You weren't exactly watching. The editing and watching of the clips was so demanding and you felt like you had to be tedious about it, so you slouched down, your back bending in a weird way while you watched through and edited some clips. Even though you weren't watching, you weren't one to kill his spirit like that. He seemed so enthusiastic and you knew how much he thrived from praise, so telling him he did well would only somehow make him dance better.

"You did very well," you smiled, tearing your eyes from the screen for only a mere second before putting your focus back on the screen.

Because of your intense focus, the looks being shared between the group went unnoticed. They kept those looks short, soon practicing again, but slower to perfect the moves they were working on.

They were getting better and better by the minute and so you weren't worried about anything, and even if you were, there was nothing you could do about that because you didn't know a thing about dance either.

You couldn't believe Yeonjun did know things about dancing. When you thought of the captain of the basketball team, you never associated that with dance, even though your good ol' favourite movie, High School Musical taught you that you didn't have to stick to a niche. You were actually all for people falling out of the niche mindset, but it was more often than not that they continued with that, so automatically, your brain fell into that mindset to fit in.

"(Y/N)! Who did the best?" You heard from the side.

Your head snapped up from your laptop, which you seldom took your eyes off. You had no clue what conversation had led to this unfair judging that put you on the spot, and you really wish you did but you lacked the multitasking skills to both go through shots of the short film and watch a dance practice.

"Uh... I don't know... sorry?" You responded, with more of a questioning tone, having no clue what actually led to this turn of events.

After that, they decided to take a break, and you thought that would end what you thought was a dance related issue, but contrary to your belief, it only worsened it.

Beomgyu plopped down to one side of you with his bottle of water, watching as you colour corrected the clips. Kai plopped down to your other side, doing the same as Beomgyu, except he gently placed his hands on your stomach, being sure to rub. The other three, not wanting to be left out, all slowly made their way to your side as well. You felt like a teacher was watching you during a test. You couldn't focus.

You took out your earbuds, turning to the right to give a small questioning glance to Kai and Taehyun who sat there, turning to the left to do the exact same thing.

"Uh... do you guys want to see what I have finished so far or something?" You asked, eyeing them carefully.

"Nope. I just missed you," Kai shrugged, rubbing your stomach more vigorously.

"Kai, I've been right here the entire time. You've seen me more today than my parents have," you chuckled awkwardly. You glanced down to his hands that still rubbed your stomach. "Did you miss me, or just my stomach?" You asked.

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