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   A few years later

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A few years later...(btw it's gone be a lot of Time jumps in this book)
Toni POV

I was sitting down watching TV when I heard a knock at the door. I paused my show and got up to see who was at the door.

When I opened the door two tall men dressed in their army uniforms stood before me.

"Uh...hey..how can I help you?"

"Are you Toni Michelle Braxton-Jackson?"

"Yes..what's going on?"

"I'm SGT (Sergeant) Jonathan Mahomes and this is my partner Malcom Richardson...The commandment of the Marine Corps has entrusted me to express his deep regret that your wife, Janet was killed during battle in Iraq on October 15th 2014....."

After he said that it's like everything just stopped. My whole world flipped. I dropped to the ground as Harsh sobs escaped my throat.

I slammed the door not caring to hear anything else he had to say.

My friend Jada came downstairs. I'm guessing she heard the commotion.

"T, what happened..why are you crying?"

"She's g-gone J!"


The words wouldn't even flow through my mouth so I just nodded my head.

Her face softened and she immediately took me into her arms as I released all my emotions through my sobs.

"You're gonna get through this Toni"




I immediately shot up in a cold sweat. I looked around and my eyes met with Jada's. I just broke down.

"What's wrong Toni?"

"Janet...army...gone." I couldn't even get out full sentences because of how hard I was crying.

"Toni please slow down. Start over, what happened?"

"I was s-sitting down and there was a knock at the door. It was people from the army telling me that she had died...I need to call her and make sure she's okay J"

"Okay, okay here's your phone"

I opened it, navigating to the phone app. I clicked on Janet's contact waiting for her to answer.

                                Janet POV

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                                Janet POV

Today was not such a busy day, although we did our basics it was a pretty normal day.

I was sitting on my bed looking at pictures of Toni an I. I missed my baby so much.

My phone rung inside of my bag. I searched through it, finally finding my phone.

I answered seeing it was Toni.

"Janet baby?"

"Yes? You okay baby? Why do you sound so frantic?"

"Because I had a dream that...you-uh...something happened and I had to make sure you were okay"

"I'm fine baby. Okay? I'm fine"

"I miss you so much..."

"I miss you too but I'll be back before you know it baby..okay?"

"Okay...I love you"

"I love you more...I gotta go baby, But I'll call whenever I get the chance"

"Alright bye bubba"

"Bye my love"

                                  Toni POV

I felt a lot better after my phone call with Janet. Hearing her voice and hearing that she was okay calmed my nerves.

I know Janet's in the army and there's not a guarantee that something like this won't happen, but There's so much we have to do. Like start a family and get a permanent home and so many other things.

After sulking in my thoughts for  while, I decided to get up and do something to take my mind off of my previous thoughts.

I decided on taking a nice, hot, long bath. I grabbed Everything I would need and then I made my way to the bathroom.

After letting the tub fill up, I undressed and slowly sat down since the water was pretty hot.

After finally adjusting to the water. I just sat there and thought of when Janet and I would be in this tub and I would be laying on her chest.

She would be kissing on my neck and telling me how beautiful I am. I can't wait until she comes home.

After being in my thoughts for a while, I let the water out of the tub so I could finished the rest in the shower.

Once I was done with all that, I grabbed my towel and dried off. I put on some panties and one of Janet's shirts. I wrapped my hair up in a bun, pinning it up.

I got comfortable in bed, grabbing the remote I put on Me and Janet's favorite movie.

My eyes began to get low and before I knew it I was out like a light.

Excuse any mistakes

Hey yallll how is y'all? (Answer b4 I delete everything)

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I love u ghetto b words🖤🤗


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