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                                  Toni POV

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                                  Toni POV

"1, 2, 3, push!"

"Ahh fuck!"

"You're doing so good mama" Janet encouraged as she kissed my forehead. It's all her fault so she needs to shut the fuck up.

"Shut THE fuck up" I gritted.

"I love you too" she smiled sarcastically.

"One more big push mama" The doctor said.

I nodded my head and gripped Janet's hand, tightly, which caused her to wince.

I gave one last, big push and shortly after, the cries of our child filled the room.

"It's looks like we have a healthy, baby boy"

Janet's big headed ass was smiling from ear to ear once she heard we had a baby boy. But I couldn't lie I was happy as hell too.

They cleaned him up before wrapping him in this cute blue blanket, and handing him to me.

He was just the cutest thing ever. He had big, brown eyes and a head full of hair. His eyes stared into mine then he diverted his attention to Janet who was standing over us smiling like a fool.

I handed him to her and it was like they clicked immediately. She held up her finger and he grasped it. It was the cutest thing I'd ever witnessed.

"He's so precious" She said, breaking the silence.

"I know right? his eyes are so big and cute, I could stare into them all day"

She did nothing but smile. Gosh Life couldn't get any better.

A few years later....

                                  Toni POV

I woke up nice and early. The sun was barely peaking through the blinds which created such a warm glow.

I rolled over expecting to just see Just Janet but I saw Janet and a sleeping Elijah (Their son) on her chest.

I done told her to let him sleep in his own bed. She just don't listen.

I turned over to get up out of bed and I decided to get ready for the day. I did my morning routine which consisted of, brushing my teeth and my skin care routine.

After I finished with that, I went to take a quick shower. I only spent about 15 minutes in there before I cut the water off and stepped out.

Wrapping the towel around myself, I walked into my closet and picked out an outfit for the day. I decided on some spandex shorts, one of Janet's oversized T-shirts and some fuzzy socks.

Once I was dressed, I went to go wake up Janet and Elijah. They were knocked ALL the way out. Janet was snoring and Elijah had his foot on her head.

I shook Janet gently and she turned over before settling back to sleep.

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