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Janet POV

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Janet POV

While Toni went upstairs, I grabbed a few things which consisted of, Honey and ice. After I grabbed everything I would need, I made my way upstairs to our bedroom. I saw Toni sitting on the bed, naked might I add.

I placed everything on the table that was on the side of our bed.

I went into the closet and grabbed A riding crop, handcuffs, a blindfold, vibrator and a dildo.

When I walked out and Toni saw everything I saw had something in her changed and she started looking a bit scared.

"B-Baby what's all that?"

I ignored her and I continued to set everything up.

"All fours now" I said curtly.

Toni immediately got in to position seeing as it was not a good time for any back talk.

I grabbed the honey and I drizzled some down her back.

I drug my tongue down her back making sure I got every spec of honey. Once I finished with the honey, I began sucking all over Toni's neck and back, leaving love bites.

Toni let out breathily moans feeling my tongue work her body.

After I finished my work of marking her, I grabbed a ice cube. Starting from her neck, I drug the ice cube down her back all the way to her womanhood that was dripping with arousal. I could feel her shivers while I did so.

Once the ice cube melted I grabbed another and slowly pushed it in Toni's warm, wet mound.

"Ssss f-fuck.." Toni whimpered as the ice melted from the warmth of her walls.

I grabbed the riding crop and I circled Toni's ass with it.


"For what-AHHH FUCK ONE!"



I looked down at Toni's ass in amazement. Seeing the red marks left by the riding crop had me feeling some type of way.

I rubbed her ass and I felt her stiffen at my touch. I kissed each cheek and made my way to her core which was even wetter than before I started. I knew she liked when I would do that.

I took my finger, trailing it down her slit before putting it in my mouth and tasting her juices. She was so sweet I just had to get more.

I immediately dove in, licking and sucking at her folds.

"Yesss feels so good" Toni moaned out as I used my tongue to pleasure her.

I hooked my arms under Toni's legs, bringing her closer to me. I didn't want her running at all.

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