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Toni POV

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Toni POV


"Yes my love!?"


"I'm in the bathroom baby-


You guys are probably wondering, why the snappy attitude? Well I can't help it, it's the baby. Yep, you heard correctly. I'm 6 months pregnant. After Janet finished up at the Army, we decided that it was time for us to start our family. So fast forward and here we are.

Back to our regularly schedule program.

"You gone get enough of talking to me like you crazy, Michele" She said with an lifted eyebrow and a pointed finger.

"I'm sorry baby I just want you to hold me" I pouted.

"There was a much nicer way to to do that, don't you think?" She said Jokingly.

"Whatever-just come hold me"

Finally she got in bed and I was able to snuggle up close to her. I just wanted to be in her skin sometimes.

"You wanna be in my skin?" Janet questioned, laughing after.

"I said that out loud? But yeah, sometimes I just wanna be in your skin. I need to be as close as possible. I just love you sooo much"

"What if I told you I loved you more?"

"I don't know about that, Because I really love you a lot"

Janet smiled and pecked my lips repeatedly, while rubbing my growing Belly.

We decided to wait until the baby was born to find out the gender. Janet wanted a boy, but as long as we have a healthy baby, I didn't really care.

"I can't wait to meet our little man" Janet said, Janet breaking our comfortable silence.

"How are you so sure that we're having a boy?" I asked.

"I just feel it. I know we have a boy in there"

"Whatever you say baby"

Just as she was about to respond, our doorbell rung. Now who the hell could that be?

"You stay here baby, I'll see who that is"

I nodded, while she leaned down to place a sweet kiss on my lips.

                                 Janet POV

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                                 Janet POV

I walked swiftly down the stairs and to the front door. Who the hell could this be? I did not want any visitors today, I just wanted to relax with my wife.

I pulled the door open and was expecting to see a family member or Jada but I saw that negro that she met at the store. Where the hell does he even come from!?

"What the hell are you doing at my house?" My hand immediately went to my gun that sat in my waistband.

"L-Look before you do anything, I want you to know that Toni asked me to come here"

Oh really?

As if on Que, Toni was making her way down the stairs.

"What are you doing here? Im starting to think you're stalking us"

"I just wanted to see you" His desperate ass said.

"Tone, he said that you asked him to come that true?"

"What? No I never told him that. We haven't even texted since we met at the store. I can show you the message right now" This man is weird.

"Alright, Man ima need you to get the fuck off my property" I said.

"No! Toni I love you, I can give you so much more than she can!"

"I'm giving you one more opportunity to get the fuck away from us" I gritted.

"No! I'm not leaving without-*POP*

I shot him right in the leg. Should've walked away while he had the chance.

"AHHH WHAT THE FUCK" His bitch ass screamed.

"JANET! Why did you do that?!" Toni whisper-yelled.

"I told him he had one more chance. He should've saw it coming, not my problem" I shrugged.

He better not get blood on my floor either.

"Stay yo ass away from us, or next time I'm gonna hit you in a more lethal area, you got me?"

"Yes! Im sorry, I won't come back"

"Great! Now run along" I smiled.

He limped back to his car and hurriedly scurried off.

"Ughh! Now I gotta clean my porch. I hate Niggas"

"Janet you are...something else"

"I know, go upstairs and watch some Tv or something while I clean this up" I pecked her lips and she smiled, before waddling up the stairs.

Toni POV

"Girl yes! She popped him in his leg right on our front porch"

I was on the phone with Jada, telling her about what Janet's crazy ass did. I still can't believe she did that.

"Janet is crazy girl!"

"Yeah...seeing her like that kinda turned me on-

"Heeellll to the No, I'll talk to you later. I don't wanna hear about this shit"

"Whatever Jada, I'll talk to you later" I laughed.

We said our goodbyes and hung up.

"I'm back baby"

"Janet enlightenment me on why you did that on our front porch?"

"Ion know. He was pissing me off. He'll be fine, should've left when I told him to" She said do nonchalantly. This woman-

"You are crazy, Jackson"

"Crazy for you"

Excuse any mistakes.

Hey lovely whores, how art thou doing on this fine evening?🧜🏾‍♂️ also short? Ik bare wit me doe

LMAOO I got "Bitch im Madonna" stuck in my head💀 (pls send help..)

Anyways, vote comment share.

Til next time bitches.🤪

Ta Ta🤭

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