Chapter 10

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Author's Note: This Chapter is going to be Autumn's POV. I won't always do different characters POV. So yeah, I hope you like my story. Comment and Vote. Thanks!

I'm just here in my room, still crying. I can't believe I just did that to Jake, to my best friend. To be honest, I feel really sorry for doing such a dumb thing. When I responded "I can't." when he said he likes me. I wanted to take back those two words that just came out of my mouth. I wish I could reverse time. If only I could

To be honest, I also like Jake. I liked him since then. He's such a nice guy, he's so sweet, caring, and he's always there for me, ALWAYS. I just couldn't tell him. I guess I'm not that strong enough to tell him how i feel. I guess I'm just so nervous of what will happen. And now, it's happening. I don't know if we can still fix this.

I really wanted to say that I also liked him when he said " I Like You, Autumn.". But i just couldn't. Because I know if we go into a relationship, it might ruin everything. And my family already decided that we're gonna move to California. So it'll be hard for us to be in a long distance relationship.

I still haven't told Jake that I'm moving. I just don't wanted him to feel sad and lonely. I know that in some point, I have to tell him but I don't wanted him to think about that. I just wanted us to have happy memories while we're still together, not worrying that we're gonna be seperated from each other.

I wish Jake would understand. I hope he's not mad at me. Mom said a while ago that Jake was here, I said I wanted to be alone right now. I'm still not ready to talk to him. Some people might think that I'm so dramatic. But this means so much to me. I broke my best friend's heart and that is a big deal.

Will Jake ever fogive me?

Will Jake and I be friends again?

I don't know. I hope so.

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