Chapter 3

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After reluctantly agreeing to Vikter's plan, Loa looked out of the open window sullenly. She thought about how sucky her powers were because of her cursed ring. Her entire voyage was basically crappy because she couldn't defend herself. She stared at the abundance of studs in Vikter's ear with jealousy. He looked like a how could he afford so many, let alone of such nice quality?

"Okay, I'm gonna have to get you a uniform. Let me call my sisters," Vikter said. Loa walked back towards the bed. She looked back to see that Vikter had simply closed his eyes. He was still standing in front of the window like a dork.

"Uh....what are you-"

"They're on their way," Vikter grinned happily, showing off a deep dimple. He then went about his business. There wasn't much to do in the room. It was bare but for the boxes and the bed. Still, Vikter seemed to have some sort of fascination with said boxes.

After a few moments of silence, Loa decided to make some conversation. " did you even get out last night?" She asked.

"Hmm....secret," he muttered to her.

"Ah..." Loa stared at the door, waiting for someone to burst in to save her.

"You said you were from Nadira right? What village are you from?" Vikter turned around suddenly with a hopeful glint to his eye. Loa raised an eyebrow.

"Grande, near the boarder of the Enchanted Forest?"

"No way! I lived in Dirst!" Loa's suspicions had been confirmed. He had all of the qualities of a Nadiran, he just seemed oddly wealthy. Loa could only tell by his excess of jewelry. In Sayson, jewelry was a signature of wealth and depending on the quality it also showed how well you could use your powers and their intensity. The 7 purple earrings on Vikter ear showed that off.

"Oh, Dirst is a nice....wait...Dirst?"

"The one and only! You can tell by how perfect my hair is right?" Vikter bragged and ran a muscular hand through his thick brown hair.

" was burned down by some Eldian rebels last week," she looked at the floor and scratched the back of her head.

"Huh? Dirst was?" Loa nodded. "" the male bit his bottom lip before a shadow crossed his face. His tone went from light to serious immediately. "I see," he said shortly. Despite his lack of words, there was a certain intensity behind them.

At that decisive moment, two girls opened the door to Vikter's room. They were both wearing the same uniform which was a short-sleeved white button up, a red tie, and a pleated red skirt. Loa noticed how they all did indeed look alike. The one to the left looked most like Vikter. She had the same jade green eyes, luscious dark brown hair, tall height, and a dimple. The other was slightly shorter than the two with shoulder length straight brown hair that had less volume, dark green eyes irises that were rimmed black, and no dimples.

"Kayden got your message Vik, what was the big emergency?" The shorter one asked.

"Didn't I say to stop calling me that?" He snapped.

"Seriously Mae, he tells you everyday," the one named Kayden piped in.

"Excuse you? I'm the oldest, I do what I want," Mae snapped her fingers.

"But I'm taller than you," Kayden retorted.

"Um..." Loa watched all of the siblings bicker with a confused look on her face.

"Guys, just get this girl situated and get out of my room," Vikter said and turned back to his boxes.

"What's wrong?" Mae asked.

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