Chapter 4

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When Loa exited the bathroom a second time, the group had dispersed. Everyone was doing their own thing. This was the perfect time for her to go up and question someone, the only problem was she was that traumatized by Nate and Vikter and she didn't know the other two boys. That left her with either Kayden or Mae. Before she could make the decision herself, Mae looked over to her.

"Loa!" She said cheerfully and bounded over to her excitedly. Loa swallowed her fear and tried not to flinch.

"So...this is weird," Loa looked down at her uniform. She kept fiddling with her skirt, not used to wearing something so girly.

"Believe me, it grows on you," the other girl said reassuringly.

"Not the point. Are you going to uh...explain this to me? I understand....but this whole math club thing...And...that naked's all really confusing," she shifted and looked over to Nate. He was on the floor being kicked by Kayden. Loa preferred not to question why.

"Oh yea-" suddenly, Vikter came over and pressed his hand against his sister's mouth.

"Excuse her, heh. Look, like we've said before, as soon as night hits we'll get you outta here and then you never have to look back. Until then, just chill," the taller male said.

"But I already know I can't leave..." Loa rose her eyebrows.

"Mae! Mae what the heck did you tell her!"

"How could I keep her in the dark! Look at this face, it didn't deserve such lies," Mae defended herself as she grabbed Loa's cheek. The Southerner frowned as her cheek was pinched.

"Ugh! Well we might as well really throw her over a ledge now," Vikter muttered.

"Guys," one guy spoke up. If Loa remembered right, his name was Yoojin. "It's almost time to start school. Vikter, you look after the new kid. We'll meet back here after school to settle everything," he said.

"Pfft," Nate scoffed from on the floor. "Actually you guys, as team leader I say let's meet back here after school! Vikter, handle the new guy!" Nate repeated.

"I'm a girl!" Loa shouted indignantly.

"Really?" Nate's blue eyes gave her a very slow once over. "You lack a chest so I just assumed--OOF," suddenly, Kayden kicked him again before he could continue his sentence. Loa grabbed her chest in terror as her face turned bright red. Vikter snickered at her and grabbed her by the shoulder.

"Heh, let's leave before my twin kills us all," Vikter suggested. He pushed a traumatized Loa towards the wall. There was the same squiggly rune on the wall as before. Loa barely had time to process it before she was shoved through it.


It was around when lunch time rolled around that Loa officially decided she had to escape. Vikter had been her reluctant tour guide, and he carted her around with a grimace on his face. It was supremely awkward being around him, and Loa couldn't find any topic of conversation. The worst part was, in every single class she went to with the kid, it seemed that none of the teachers found her out of the ordinary.

"So, what exactly is Math Club anyway?" Loa asked as they walked towards the cafeteria. Vikter looked at her with his light green eyes.

"You ask a lot of questions. Since you're going to leave soon, who cares?" He shrugged his shoulders as he dodged the question. The girl let out a sigh. Of course, he was right, but Loa didn't want to hang out with a bunch of people that were plotting on how to get rid of her. Everything was confusing, and she wasn't sure she could handle it.

"Just take me to the principal and then I could stop asking questions," Loa snapped back angrily. Vikter stopped mid step.

"Listen, the more questions you ask the more danger you out yourself in. Maybe I'm trying to spare you pain by not answering your questions," Vikter jabbed Loa in the shoulder with a sneer. His eyes flashed a deep purple. He looked...terrifying, to say the least. Loa could feel her own anger beginning to boil over.

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