Part TWENTY SIX: Suspicion

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"Honey? Aren't you coming to bed?" Mrs

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"Honey? Aren't you coming to bed?" Mrs. Jeon asked her husband as she walks in on him sitting by Jungkook's desk.

"In a minute..." He says sounding preoccupied.

"Is something wrong?" Mrs. Jeon walked over to him and noticed a picture frame in his hand.

He swivels the chair around to face his wife, holding up the picture frame he's been eyeing for a while now. "Should we be worried about this?" He asked.

Mrs. Jeon looked a bit confused as she looks at a picture of you and Jungkook during your Disney trip in Tokyo. "What exactly do you mean?" She asked suspiciously, taking the frame before sitting on her son's bed.

"I know they're best friends and they practically grew up together so they're like siblings right? In the past years I've seen how Jungkook looked at Yana and I could sense he probably had a tiny crush on her which is understandable... but since they got back from that trip, I could sense something else." Mr. Jeon said looking a bit worried.

"What is it?" She asked him, still with eyes glued on the 2 smiling faces on the picture.

"They seem to have their own bubble." He says, trying to explain further. "Look at these..." He shows his phone to his wife. "Look at how they feel too comfortable being this close... almost like they're used to hugging each other."

Mrs. Jeon looks at the pictures her husband took earlier before you and Jungkook left for the ball. She sees what her husband is trying to point at. "They've always been this close... I mean, aren't we getting a little over ourselves here?" She asked, reaching out to touch his hand. "I trust Jungkook not to break our trust and that goes for Yana too."

"I hope you're right about this... But what if..." Mr. Jeon asked, furrowing his brows.

"I think they're good for each other..." Jungkook's mom said.

"Honey... are you telling me you agree with this?" Mr. Jeon asked looking disappointed.

"Honey, these two have been bonded since they were babies. I don't see anything wrong if they end up falling for each other."

"Do you even see my point here? I mean, she's practically our daughter... No... I won't allow it!" Mr. Jeon says standing up and walking over the door.

"Honey... we're not even sure yet if there is something going on between the kids..." She says, following her husband out the door after returning the picture frame on Jungkook's desk.

"Exactly! They're still kids... living under one roof. We can't just sit back and wait for something else to happen before we do something!" He snapped back while descending the stairs, his voice echoing through the hallways.

"I understand honey... All I'm saying here is let's not jump into conclusions and hear them out first before we do anything drastic."

He sighs deeply, trying to calm down. He expected his wife to be in on the same page with him, but she clearly wasn't. "Okay, I'll talk to Jungkook about this but if I find out there's really something between them, I need you to back me up on not allowing any of it." He says firmly.

The grad ball was a nice tribute to the graduating class. You look proudly at Jungkook who was given one of the awards as best student representative.

He escorted you to the dance floor and you started swaying to the slow music. He wraps one arm around your waist while his other hand holds your hand, clutching it against his chest. You place your other hand over his shoulder, patting that area to straighten his suit.

You look up to him and he gives you a sweet smile in return. Jungkook caresses your hand softly then blinks a couple of times before resting his forehead on yours. "This is killing me... I hate that I can't kiss you..." He whispered.

After a few slow dances, Jungkook talked you into sneaking out. "Where are you taking me?" You ask Jungkook as he pulls you to exit the hall. The event hasn't ended but he wanted to spend time with you alone.

"You'll see..." He says with a wide grin. He carefully assisted you to get in the passenger's seat before going over to the driver's side. He helps you buckle your seatbelt and steals a quick peck on your lips before driving off.

After a few minutes, you arrive in what looks like a deserted place in the middle of nowhere. Jungkook reassures you to stay put with eyes closed as he gets off the car and went to the back.

You could sense him doing something from behind. "Just a few more minutes baby..." He says sounding a bit excited to which you hum in reply.

In no time he's leading you to the backseat, carefully making sure you don't bump your head. "Keep your eyes closed okay?"  he whispered sweetly to your ear.

Jungkook quickly gets to the other side of the car before he reaches out to your hand. "Baby, you can open you eyes now."

You do as you're requested and was greeted with a beautifully lighted artisan cake, a bouquet of long-stemmed red roses and a bottle of sparkling wine.

"Happy anniversary baby..." He says with a wide smile before handing you a glass of wine for a toast. As you down a few sips of the non-alcoholic drink, Jungkook leans over to give you a soft kiss on the lips, tasting the sweet wine that lingered.

🤓 "Slowly updating this story... Please, please cheer for me... I need a little boost to keep going."

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