Thirty FIVE: Near

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You're surprised that Ara lives in the next town

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You're surprised that Ara lives in the next town. She was nice enough to let you use the bathroom before heading back on the road.

Since it was late in the evening, you only got to meet her younger sister who waited for her to come home. Jungkook opted to wait in the car since he didn't need a bathroom break.

You turn to Ara for a quick hug. "Thank you for understanding... I'm very sorry for what happened."

"You're welcome and don't worry about anything, I'm totally okay with this." She said hugging you back.

You both pulled away and you were about to turn back to leave when Ara called you. "Yana, please give Jungkook a chance to explain. I may not be totally aware of what his plans are but I know he only wants what's best for you... and him."

You look at her from where you were standing, a bit confused.

"Just keep an open mind and don't be hard on him, he's been through a lot, you both have..." She said, as she takes your hand to squeeze it gently. "I'm rooting fo you... both of you."

You get back to the car with Ara's words spinning in your head. Did you hear her right? Is she really rooting for both of you? You try to rationalize her words and was lost in deep thought that you didn't notice Jungkook already reached out to put your seatbelt on.

"Thank you..." was all you could come up with as you get a whiff of his fresh cologne that you miss too much. Seeing that undercut somehow gave you the chills. You forgot how dangerously gorgeous he is.

He looks at you sideways, getting a view of your face this close was all he needed to be strong. Jungkook missed being this near to you. How he wished to stay here longer.

"Do you want to get something to eat?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm okay... how about you? You barely ate lunch and dinner." You said, careful not to trigger anything.

"Yeah I'm kinda hungry."

"We can order drive thru if you want?" You suggested.

"I was thinking we could stay in an inn for tonight and order room service. You know, since we're not sure about the condition of your nana's house... It might be best to go there tomorrow morning instead." He suggested.

He was right, last time you were there was a few months ago and the place badly needed cleaning. You never thought there will come a day when you're coming back to stay.

He already thought about everything and somehow you're thankful that he's there. The moment you got to the inn, there was only one room available. Jungkook was about to head out when you reassured him it was okay.

"Let's take it, you need to rest and it's only for a night anyway." You told him.

"Okay... thanks!" He replied with a smile before signing the checkin papers in the reception.

He wheeled both your luggages and carried them straight to your room. It was a small space with a double bed and a small couch on the corner.

"You can freshen up... I'll just order food." He said as he takes the phone from the receiver.

You took your toiletry kit out and went ahead with a quick shower. Stepping out of the bathroom you unconsciously get to your opened luggage and was about to fish out your bunny plushie but changed your mind.

It was the very first gift you ever got from a friend, Jungkook. You remember how happy it made you feel getting it for your birthday. How you wish to go back and be his best friend again. It was less complicated that way.

You're both munching on chicken wings and pasta with some oohs and aahs on the side. He's nodding plenty after taking a bite of the chicken wings and you nod back in reply.

"This is good..." You tell him while savoring every bite.

"Try the other flavor." He offers another box of wings, but sees your lower lip stained with red sauce.

Jungkook gestures for you to wipe your lower lip. "You have something there..." He wipes his own lips for you to imitate.

"Here?..." You wipe your lower lip only to smudge more sauce on your chin.

"A little more to the left..." He says with a chuckle seeing you mess up your chin with more sauce.

"There?..." You asked, spreading the sauce even farther than your lips.

He laughs cutely and reaches out a hand to wipe off the sauce from your chin with his thumb. What he did next was something you never expected, he took his thumb to his lips and sucked on it shamelessly, right smack in front of you.

"Thanks..." was all you could come up as reply.

"We have drinks... Here you go..." He handed you a can of soda and you noticed that the top is quite bloated. You were about to warn him not to open his can but it was too late.

In a split second, he has the can spritzing soda all over his shirt. "Shit..." he cursed under his breath.

You sprint to the bathroom and got him a towel. He was already on his feet when you went up to him. You start to dab his chest with the towel but it was no use, his entire shirt was stained with soda.  

You noticed some soda splashed on his bare neck and you dab the towel there as well. You didn't know how he was looking at you intently while cleaning him up. His loving gaze scanning your lips, as he bites his own. How he wished he could just lean a bit to taste those lips again.

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