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   Shigeo Ishihara's reality was brought back to him all of a sudden. That's when he realized his hatchet disappeared. So that's why his hand felt light in an instant. He asked the voice inside him, "What did I do?"

   The voice didn't respond. Perhaps it was for him to see what his decision was and what he made of it. He focused his eyes in front of him, and saw nothing but trees ahead of him. But, what happened to my weapon? 

   The commoner's answer went inside his mind. He looked down to get his hatchet while thinking, Maybe I just dropped it. Ugh, everything's a mess so I must've dropped it all of a sudden. No harm done right? No harm d-

   No harm done. At which part? All he could see was a corpse lying on the ground. A girl's corpse to be precise. But, what's with that body? The chest part seemed elevated from the ground. She couldn't be doing some kind of position like that, now that she's dead. To see what really happened to the girl's corpse, Shigeo scurried over to the body's right side and pushed its waist with his hands. 

   That's when the ugly truth revealed itself to him.

   He saw Matsui Yano's (Female Student No. 12) dead body. Her eyes remained open, but full of pain, and so did her mouth, indicating she screamed until she died. So that was Matsui's scream he heard a while ago. However, it wasn't Matsui's body that really shocked Shigeo. It was the familiar-looking hatchet embedded on her chest. Blood oozed out of the deep and long gash, while the hatchet's blade gleamed in the morning sunlight.

   It WAS his hatchet. And long story short, he killed Matsui. There's no doubt about that. His decision comprised of killing others for the sake of Junka's life. His bad moral side won over his good side. That was all. 

   He kneeled there, not knowing what to do anymore. He didn't know if he should just stay here and stare at a classmate's body which he just killed himself or stand up and chase after Junka. As he stared at the hatchet sticking out of Matsui's body, he decided not to take it off. All guilt will be dropped down all of a sudden when he does that. He'll just hurt her even more, even if she's dead already. And picking it up means you still hadn't surrendered. You still want to fight and kill when you pick it up.

   But then again, without any weapon, he couldn't protect Junka. He gripped on his pants, trying to grasp the answer. That's when he looked up and said to himself, "So be it."

   His hand began to shake as it reached for the hatchet's handle. He was having second thoughts on getting it. But he thought of Junka again, and it gave him some moral boost. His hand clutched on the handle, and with all his might, he yanked it out of Matsui's chest, making a squishing sound. Blood splattered everywhere, staining his uniform with it. He saw that the hatchet broke through her rib's, revealing a faint and partial outline of her heart and lungs. He couldn't make out which was which due to the blood, but he didn't mind anymore. Blood dripped from the edge of the hatchet. Shigeo finally stood up, not minding that the bonfire Junka left was still alight. He turned to the direction where Junka ran for, and went for it.

   Don't worry, Junka. I will find you in one piece.

Female Student No. 12 - Matsui Yano, dead

6 Students Remaining

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