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   Hideaki Kamakura and Katsushi Tosaku are on the run again after resting at sector D=6. Sector D=5 became a danger zone last 6 PM and it was already 9 in the evening. Sector A=7 became a danger zone around this time while sector C=1 was removed from the list as to match the latest announcement of Okamatsu. They headed further south west to sector E=4. Hideaki's throat wound is wrapped in Katsushi's pale blue handkerchief, which was now stained with blood. They heard distant gunfire which they assumed came from the mountains. They knew they were heading nearer the source of the sound, but thought best that cliffs towering over the beach will give them good cover. Of course they knew that at sector D=5 was the death place of Ryo Sasaki (Male Student No. 6), Kaiyo Hattori (Female Student No. 10), Tamayo Yaidzu (Female Student No. 15) and Sumiko Yoshiko (Female Student no. 17). But they didn't mind that. They're dead already. They don't pose a threat to anyone else still living. They're just corpses now. Nothing else but human dump. 

    The grassy land began to form a slope as the wind coming from the sea blew around them. They now overlooked a wide open space. They looked over a bit and saw a thin line of the beach. They turned their heads to their left and saw a worn down lighthouse. Apparently it didn't work. No light came from the lighthouse's beacon. They took heavy breaths and continued down. 

     As the cliffs grew higher and the grass began to turn into pure white sand, they heard a scream. The scream came from the beach's distant right side. Out of alertness, the two of them pulled out their weapons. Hideaki loaded the drill with the batteries from the box while Katsushi gripped tight on the blowtorch's body while keeping his finger very near the button.

    They heard the scream again. It was only until now that they recognized the scream. It came from Satoru Kagawa (Male Student No. 12). His footsteps grew louder. They knew at once he was running and judging from the sound, he was coming for their way. They turned to their feet and sprinted as fast as they could. As much as they want to face him and team up with him, they might just grow suspicion or something on him. Satoru's footsteps grew louder.

    A few seconds later, they heard another person's footsteps, the same as Satoru's. It only meant that he was being chased after by another classmate. And judging from the situation, this classmate is going to kill him.

    Hideaki and Katsushi were speechless as they were panting. Upon reaching higher ground, they ran for their left and dived for the low-lying bushes. They wriggled in the bushes as they tried to keep quiet. They watched through the leaves as Satoru arrived. His face was soaked in sweat, and so did his uniform. His hair was so messy and dirty. He looked around frantically, trying to search for a place to hide. He might've forgot which part was the one with a danger zone ahead as he was panicking and taking second thoughts on which path to take. They heard the second footsteps come to a stop. They looked over the bushes and saw it was Jiro Shimeji (Male Student No. 9). He gripped on a bloodstained dagger. It only meant he already used it to harm someone. The dagger's blade gleamed in the moonlight.

    "Its that guy again," Katsushi muttered under his breath.

    "I know right?" Hideaki also muttered. 

    They watched as Jiro charged at Satoru. He was way quicker than Satoru, who tried to run away. He lunged at him, pinning Satoru to the ground, He struggled but Jiro just stabbed him in his shoulder. He yelped as Jiro pulled it out.

    "Don't even bother escaping," Jiro threatened him. Satoru couldn't speak out of fear and pain. Blood began to stain his polo shirt. Jiro forcefully pulled his bag from his shoulder. While keeping him secured by sitting on him and by stepping on his hands with his feet, he opened the bag and searched its contents. With a smirk, he pulled out a half-transparent bottle. 

     He eyed on the bottled and said, "Oh, is this silver cleaner? Don't tell me this is your weapon? Hah, weak." He then paused for a few moments and continued, "Wait, don't tell me you killed Terumi, Hatsu and Tukiko with this?"

    Hideaki and Katsushi dropped their jaws. Satoru killed those three girls during the start of the game?

     Satoru remained silent as he tried to struggle even more, despite Jiro's threat. Jiro slowly opened the bottle's cap (the bottle read "Silver Cleaner") with his right hand, Without warning, he forcefully opened Satoru's mouth with his left hand, not minding his saliva soaking his hand sticky wet. He used his fingers to open his mouth even more. Using his right hand, he turned the bottle upside down on its mouth and thrusted the bottle's mouth on Satoru's mouth. Unsatisfied on having the bottle's mouth lightly placed, he thrusted it deeper, making half of the bottle's neck sink in Satoru's mouth. 

    "How do you like that!?" Jiro yelled as he pushed the bottle. Satoru began to choke as his mouth began to overflow with silver cleaner and saliva. A few seconds later, it was followed with a thick pink foam. His eyes began to bulge to the verge of nearly popping out. Veins portruded on his face as it began to turn pale. As time passed, his struggling became weaker but Jiro kept sturdy. 

     Finally, Satoru heavily coughed, making his head jerk up a bit. Foam, silver cleaner, saliva and blood splashed from his mouth. Because Jiro thrusted and sunk the bottle deep down his mouth, the bottle's mouth ruptured the back of it. His movements stopped at an instant. His really bulged eyes remained open and his face remained pale and full of veins. The weird bloody mixture flowed in all directions, staining his uniform and dripping on the grass.

    Jiro released his lock down on him and stood up, dropping the bottle on the ground, which was now half empty. He stared at Satoru's corpse with a creepy smile and kicked him hard on his side, making his body roll over a few meters from where Hideaki and Katsushi are. The two of them winced. 

    Jiro turned his head to their direction and said, "Come out, little rats. I know you're hiding there."

    The two of them were lost for words.

Male Student No. 12 - Satoru Kagawa, dead

16 Students Remaining

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