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   Upon hearing the gunfire, Etsuko Lioka (Female Student No. 3) quickly ran for the opposite direction of the sound. Her bag rattled as she ran in the forest. She didn't know what to do now. She knew she'll die eventually, but she had to at least contemplate on her final hours. She stopped behind a tree and sat down to check what weapon she got. She opened the bag and reached for its contents. There was the common things Okamatsu said, plus some tampons and girly things. She wasn't having hers, but seriously...

   Her hands reached for a bottle-like object that doesn't seem to resemble the water bottle. She pulled it out. It was a bullet-like object, only about four times bigger than a gun's bullet. She pulled out her flashlight to read the dimly lit contents and it read: 'Tear Gas'.

  Tear gas? Like the one armed forces use in rallies and such? It couldn't kill but it could proved itself a worthy diversionary item. She'll just throw it at the attacker and get away like nothing happened; however, she has to find a good weapon after that. She only have one tear gas. At the very least, she can still run for a while before actually dying.

  She panted as she suddenly remembered the gunshot she heard a while ago. She suspected that those before her name was called caused that gunshot. Whoever it was, she hoped it was Daisuke. She hated him for being so obnoxious, coupled with his antics with Jiro Shimeji. She hated everything in him. He always stole her iPhone and played with it without permission. He even took it home a few times. So desperate! She thought. But, with his personality, he was most likely the one to play killer. She kept telling herself that it was Daisuke who was killed, because if he wasn't or if he was the killer, surviving would be harder. Her fearful thoughts were eclipsed by rustling sounds and a whimpering voice.

   The whimpering voice said, "D-Daisuke... No... No... Please..."

  She carefully looked beside the tree and saw Azami Takahasa (Female Student No. 1) with a rather long gun in her right hand. She trembled. Azami, the punctual secretary of the class, was holding a gun? What if... she was the one who fired the gun she heard? What if... she was the killer? But, she was whimpering and crying. Bah, she might be putting up an act. 

  The answer was revealed to Etsuko when she looked to Azami's left: Daisuke Ameyama (Male Student No. 1) was standing with a gun shorter than Azami's. She gasped. He's alive. That bastard. Then... the chances that killer was him. Her hunch was high it was none other than Daisuke. 

   She quickly went for her pocket to get her phone. She wanted to contact her parents to help her out of this situation. That's when the bad news came: her phone wasn't in any of her pockets, and so does her wallet. Where'd it go? Then something occured in her mind: Okamatsu must've confiscated their belongings before waking up in the room, even their bags for the field trip. Dammit! What now? She sighed quietly and went back to watch the two of them.

  "Y-you murderer!" Azami uttered while the gun shaked in her hands. "Y-you... You killed Imako!"

  Etsuko's eyes widened to the stunning conclusion. So... Daisuke killed Imako with that gun. It really was him. Anger surged within her. How low of him! She wanted to kill him with all she's got, but she only have one supply of tear gas, and it couldn't kill. She shuddered in fear and rage as she watched Daisuke cocking the gun.

   "She wanted to defend you. She got what she deserved." Daisuke said. His finger moved closer to the trigger. In turn, Azami slowly raised her gun, which was an uzi. Go Azami! Get that guy for me! Etsuko thought. She was definitely rooting for her.

   "I-impossible! How could you kill her so easily!? How could you!?" Azami cried. Tears flowed continuously from her already bloodshot eyes. Her back-length hair swayed in the breeze.

Battle Royale: Yet to EndWhere stories live. Discover now