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    An hour has passed (it was already 1:57 AM). Everyone from third year Class A from Fukushiwa Junior High School were already deployed into the island premises of Sorashima. Three were already dead, being Azami Takahasa (Female Student No. 1), Imako Tokonoma (Female Student No. 2) and Etsuko Lioka (Female Student No. 3). The game has really begun. 

   Hatsu Miryoka (Female Student No. 21), Tukiko Hibiki (Female Student No. 25), Jin Toyohiko (Female Student No. 14) and Terumi Hirihito (Female Student No. 6) met up with each other outside the building a few minutes before the building's sector, which was A=5, became a danger zone. They quickly ran east of the building to find a hideout, but upon covering a fair distance, they found themselves standing in a grassland. At the far end the land stopped, forming a cliff down to the sea. The waters were vast and endless. The moonlight casted a dim pale glow on the black water, creating a beautiful reflection on it. Heaven was waiting for them to die while the sky was clear.

   To their left were three mountains with the one at the center the highest and the one on the right the lowest. The one at the left was flatter than the rest, as if it was a plateau rather than a mountain. They walked nearer the base of the mountain at the center and found a very small pond with clear water in it.

   Terumi opened the conversation with, "Hey, let's drink from there. I'm already thirsty."

   Jin joined in. "But, we have water bottles in our bags."

   "Hey, you never know, we might get on the run after this and not run into any source of water.  We mustn't waste the water in our bags.  Plus, look, the water at that pond is very clear and clean. I bet its delicious. C'mon, let's have a drink."

   Hatsu, who stood beside Terumi nodded. "Yeah. Terumi's right, and I'm getting thirsty too. C'mon guys, it won't hurt. Let's be practical."

   "Okay, if you say so..." Tukiko said.

   Terumi went for the pond's edge and crouched down before the water. Hatsu and Tukiko joined her; however, Jin didn't move a step.

    Hatsu noticed Jin wasn't with them and turned around to call her. "Hey, Jin, c'mon! Let's have a drink."

    Jin shook her head in disagreement. "Uh... no. I'm not thirsty. Go ahead guys. I'll wait for you here."

    She rolled her eyes and said, "Whatever."

   They used their hands to form a cup and submerged it on the pond. They then surfaced the water-filled hands, neared their heads towards their hands, which dripped some water and sipped on it and did this several times. 

   Jin asked them, "Finished?"

  Tukiko pouted her tongue and made a sour face. "Ugh, what's with this water? It tastes weird."

   That's when Terumi started to choke. She cupped her hands quickly to her mouth. She began to moan. Her body began to shake uncontrollably. She began to turn pale... and so did Tukiko and Hatsu. They all began to choke. Choking concert. Great.

  Jin quickly rushed for them. "What's happening!? Guys! What!?"

  No one answered her. Their throats started to swell a bit. That's when she saw bright red blood escaping from their cupped fingers. The blood dripped continuously. All of them became very pale. They all groaned. Jin looked closer and saw that their hands were all red and somehow burned and scraped. 

   Jin yelled while wearing a horrid face, "Terumi! Hatsu! Tukiko!"

  One by one, they collapsed to the pond, creating a splash. Their cupped hands suddenly let go of their mouths, making all the blood escape into the water, turning it in a very bright red shade. Their hands floated in the water, which was now turned into a purely blood pond. They stopped moving. It was dead quiet.

  She carefully went beside Terumi's body and used her left leg to slightly kick her in the left arm. When Terumi's body was turned to reveal her front side, Jin screamed in horror. Her face looked exactly like her hands: red, burned, scraped and drenched in blood. Her lips were scaly and colored deep red, and her eyes were half-open which looked like peeling off. Her eyes were staring right at her. She staggered then a sickening force went up to her stomach. A few moments later, her mouth felt sour, acidic and warm, and automatically opened. From her mouth came out a rather thick and yellowish flow of liquid and it splattered onto Terumi's face, obscuring it with the liquid. It was vomit of the food she ate before the trip: miso soup. Tiny food particles floated on the blood-red pond, which seemed like rice.

  She said in a choking voice, "T-terumi... H-hatsu... T-tukiko... Why? Why?"

  She continued to stare at their corpses, particularly at Terumi's. That's when another round of the yellowish vomit came out of her mouth. This time, it spilled onto Terumi's uniform, which was drenched with her and the other's blood. 

  She finally got back to her senses and looked around. No one was around spying at her. She looked at her friend's dead bodies for the last time and ran farther east, keeping in mind not to trust any water sources in the island except her water bottles.

   When Jin's shadow also disappeared with her, the bushes beyond the pond rustled. There came out a tall guy with a white polo and green pants. His hair was jet black and was straightened up at the very top of his head pointing to the left. On his right hand was the same bag the other students were given. He stepped out of the bushes and stared at the three girls. 

   It was Satoru Kagawa (Male Student No. 12), and on his right hand was a white bottle with words written in glossy red lettering: Muriatic Acid.

Female Student No. 6 - Terumi Hirihito, dead

Female Student No. 21 - Hatsu Miryoka, dead

Female Student No. 25 - Tukiko Hibiki, dead

33 Students Remaining

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