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   Makato woke up with a start. He looked at the broken windows of the abandoned factory. It was late afternoon already. The sun was setting, making the sky glow orange. He checked his watch and it read: 5:08 PM. One end of the jumping rope was still tied around his wrist. It seemed no one dared entering the factory. He got up and got his bag on the floor. Wait, why does it feel light? I didn't remember taking off something from it, he thought. He felt something on his neck, as if someone was strangling him. It may have been just his throat.

   Until he saw the shining dagger that was near his throat and hands cuffing his'. Wait, I know whose hands it was. It was Jiro Shimeji (Male Student No. 9). How did he...?

   "You forgot the backdoor, you idiot," Jiro said as he tightened his lock on him, like what happened two months ago. He pulled Makato to turn to his back. That's when he saw a small door at the very back. It was half-opened and a sliver of the outside part that led to the cliffs was shown. Shit! I didn't see this until now! Dammit!

   That's when he noticed Daisuke Ameyama (Male Student No. 1) wasn't making any noise. In this type of situations, he surely would. 

   "Where's your partner?" Makato asked him.

   "Can't find him like hell, but first, I'll finish our business with you. After that, I'll just haul away your things," Jiro taunted him. Of course it would be him who lightened the weight of his bag. But it didn't matter now, he was near his death. He had to do something. 

   That's when he tried swinging his wrist to distract Jiro, but unfortunately, he failed, and it only skimmed his neck. He felt a quick burst of pain on his neck as warm blood flowed down from the cut. He tried running his fingers across the wound and felt the gap (whoa, Jiro let me do that? In this case, he should've killed me now). He felt even more pain when he touched it so he decided against it.

    Jiro let go of his lock on him and quickly grabbed the other end of the jumping rope. In an instant, he pulled it forcibly, breaking Makato's arm bone. He pulled it again, causing the broken bone to stretch in some way. He yelped as his arm had gone excruciatingly painful. His arm limped and wriggled as he tried to walk. He couldn't move it as it could only hurt him. It seemed his weapon turned against him. Of all the things in the world...

   "I'm not finished yet with you, Makato," Jiro said at him. He quickly lunged at him, making him fall to the ground. With Jiro on top of him, he stabbed Makato near his collar bone. Sharp pain ran around the wound as he yelled. Jiro didn't stop with one stab. He stabbed him again; this time, at his leftmost part of the stomach.

   And another stab. And another. And another. And another. He stopped stabbing. Makato's polo shirt was soaked in his own blood. Surprisingly, he was still alive, but barely. It was six times more painful than his broken arm and skimmed neck. He gasped heavily for air. He couldn't move. Blood spilled on the floor. Jiro's dagger was stained with bright red blood. Some dripped on his shoe, making circles of blood form on it. Makato was left for dead.

   Jiro stood up, stole Makato's bag and went for the backdoor. But suddenly, he turned back and went for the high-stacked pile of crates which was secured with the rope. Using the bloodstained dagger, he repeatedly cut the rope and eventually cutting it in half. At once, the crates lost balance because of the constant movement of the dagger and rope. With Makato's eyes still open, the crates dropped on him and crushed his body. Blood splashed at an unusual height. Makato's feet, which were not crushed by the crates, jerked up then stopped. A huge amount of blood spilled from Makato's crushed body, soaking his uniform in red liquid. His body was flattened and squeezed, making the soft parts of his body pop open.

   Jiro didn't wince, even an inch. He even cracked a smile. Looks like the business they did with Makato two months ago (the one where they threw a small knife at him) was now completely finished.

   Jiro whispered, "Congrats, man. You've just got a ticket to hell."

Male Student No. 11 - Makato Shinano, dead

23 Students Remaining

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