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Nothing good ever came from drinking.

You knew that better than anyone else, yet you were sure that it was a vice you weren't going to give up any time soon. However, the second you opened your eyes and found yourself looking directly at Lee Juyeon's sleeping face, you couldn't help but think that maybe you should stop drinking.

There was a desperate need to ignore the way your heart exploded with a tender emotion which came as a response to seeing the extremely intimate position you were in. The feeling in your chest expanded after realizing just how tightly Juyeon's long limbs were entangled with your own.

You found that trying to focus on something else was impossible because of the way his warmth engulfed you like a plush blanket. In that moment, you chose to forget the rest of the world and simply bask in the comfort his strong embrace provided.

Unfortunately, your moment of distraction didn't last very long because in the next second, the events of the night before came rushing back to you. The more you remembered, the more you wished it was all part of some vivid dream-that none of it was real. Your denial was working until Juyeon unconsciously tightened his arms around you, serving as proof that everything you recalled was real. In spite of the initial mortification sleeping into your bones, part of you felt like it was all worth it because of how safe and secure you felt.

You concentrated on Juyeon's ethereal face for a second longer, well aware that you couldn't stay in the position you were in forever despite wanting to. And so it was with a reluctant sigh that you pulled yourself out of his arms and got up from the bed.

more than a crush - Lee JuyeonWhere stories live. Discover now