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Juyeon's parties were always wild and grand-an enigmatic place where anything could happen. Even so, he hadn't expected for Haknyeon and Kevin to drag you away the second you walked through the door. He followed along as they led you to a table set up for beer pong. Eric spotted you and excitedly waved you over with an enthusiastic yell of your name.

He surprised you (and Juyeon) by wrapping his arms around you once you were within reach. You let out a shocked laugh, but didn't hesitate to hug him back. It was clear to you that Eric was already tipsy, yet his endearing actions were too cute to not reciprocate. The watching boys barely hid their smug looks after noticing the slight clench of Juyeon's jaw. By the looks of it, Plan B was going to work.

When Eric insisted you be on his team for a round of beer pong with a cute pout, it didn't take long for you to agree. He jumped excitedly, hooting loudly about how you two would definitely beat Kevin and Hyunjae. You couldn't stop the laughter his actions caused. Eric was definitely a breath of fresh air.

Meanwhile, Haknyeon and Sunwoo were extremely pleased when they saw Juyeon watching you and Eric with a steely gaze. As predicted, Plan B was going exactly the way they wanted. By the end of the night you two would officially be a couple. They were sure of it.

You didn't realize half the night had slipped away until Sunwoo insisted everyone needed to take a shot at midnight. So far, you had been on a team with each one of Juyeon's friends since they insisted you had to pair up with each one of them at least once. It was a little strange to you, but the alcohol helped you brush off any doubts. In a stranger twist, you as well as the football players found that your personalities somehow blended perfectly together.

"But I hate beer!" Hyunjae garbled with a pout as he looked at the group with pleading eyes.

"Too bad," You slurred with a drunken giggle. "You have to do it since you lost."

Sunwoo laughed loudly, throwing an arm over your shoulders. "She's right. You better get started-Kevin already finished his half!"

The group broke into a fit of laughter, not noticing the tall boy with the icy gaze. It wasn't until Haknyeon spoke up that you all turned to stare. "Juyeonie!" He exclaimed with drunken glee. "Don't be such a buzzkill! Let's do some shots!"

Even in your delirious state, you could see the subtle tick in Juyeon's jaw and the way his eyes had angrily narrowed. You could tell he was getting angry, but you couldn't work out why. So, you slyly slipped out of Sunwoo's grip and went over to Juyeon.

"Come with me to get some air?"

The group of friends smirked when they saw you reach for Juyeon's hand and lead him away.

You never noticed how big Juyeon's hands were until they were engulfing your own. Usually, you weren't so hyper aware of small details like that, but with Juyeon things were different. The feelings you had for him were much stronger than anything you felt before.

When you got outside, you immediately leaned against the cool wall of his house. You didn't notice that neither of you had let go of the other's hand.

"You seem to like my friends a lot." Juyeon said suddenly as he came to stand in front of you.

You ignored the harsh pounding of your heart from being in such close proximity with Juyeon. Instead you forced yourself to talk as coolly as you could. "They're chill. I can see why you like them so much."

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