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After practice was over, Younghoon nervously shifted as Juyeon and his entire friend group came to where you guys were. His eyes shyly and discreetly drifted over to Jacob, heart stuttering in his chest when he saw the cute boy directing a friendly smile at him. You suppressed your laughter when Younghoon's cocky demeanor fell away like a limp noodle. In spite of seeing it happen many times, it never got old.

"Hey, Y/N. Hey, Younghoon." Jacob greeted as the group came to a stop. "We were going to get something to eat. Wanna come?"

It didn't take long for you to notice that the entirety of the group (except for Jacob and Juyeon) was looking at you strangely. The best way you could describe their enigmatic stares was something akin to amusement. Somehow, it reminded you of how your friends were looking at you earlier in the day when Juyeon approached you.

The offer wasn't something you were particularly interested in since you selfishly wanted to spend time with Juyeon alone. However, you would do anything to help Younghoon, and this was the perfect opportunity to finally nudge him in the right direction.

"Y/N and I have to work on our project." Juyeon said before you could agree to go.

Noticing the falter in Jacob's smile, you were quick to intervene. "Yeah, but going for a little while won't hurt."

You hoped that your friend noticed how Jacob's eyes lit up despite the fact that you missed Juyeon's sulky expression.

Hyunjae watched in amusement as Juyeon's frown deepened into a scowl. His friend was staring, or rather glaring, at the table adjacent to theirs. More specifically, he was glowering at Kim Younghoon.

The second you got to the burger place, Jacob, Eric, and Kevin pulled you and your possible crush to one table, leaving Juyeon to sit with the remaining idiots he called his friends. This arrangement might've been fine if you and your tall cling-on hadn't been whispering to each other from the moment you sat down.

"Juyeonie." Hyunjae called softly, fingers gently tapping against the boy's soft cheek. "I don't think Kim Younghoon will magically disperse into thin air just because you keep glaring at him."

As if being snapped out of an intense stare of hypnosis, Juyeon looked over at his smirking friend. Hyunjae raised an inquiring eyebrow at him which only succeeded in making a pink hue suffuse Juyeon's cheeks.

"I'm not glaring at him." He argued unconvincingly.

Meanwhile, you were busy deflecting from your own feelings. Luckily for you, Younghoon and Jacob made for the perfect distraction. Especially because your idiot friend was acting like he didn't know how to flirt or even hold a normal conversation.

"Make a move!" You hissed into his ear. "We've been here for almost an hour, and you've only spoken to Jacob once."

"What about you?" Younghoon diverted with a surprising amount of snark for someone who couldn't get a proper word out. "When are you going to make a move?"

You were about to argue that this wasn't about you and your not-so-small crush on Juyeon, but then you got an idea. It was one that Younghoon would hate, but you didn't care. Something needed to be done to get this ship moving.

"Fine. I'll make a move right now."

Before Younghoon could question you or what you were up to, you got up and went over to Juyeon's table. His features brightened the second you called his name, and it made you wonder if you were imagining things.

"Are you ready to go?"

Haknyeon, Sunwoo, and Hyunjae snickered quietly when Juyeon didn't hesitate to get up from his seat. He didn't care about his friends' reactions, instead letting himself gloat over the fact that you were seemingly ready to ditch Younghoon for him.

You casually walked back over to your table with a smirk and an elated Juyeon following you.

"Juyeon and I are leaving-" You started.

"What?" Younghoon screeched loudly, probably the loudest he'd been all evening.

"We have to work on our project." You reminded him with your smirk still in place. "Don't worry. Jacob can take you home, right?"

"Of course." Jacob beamed at you in the sweet way he always did.

You took no pleasure from embarrassing your friend. Well, that wasn't exactly right. The way Younghoon was blushing furiously was gratifying (as well as hilarious) simply because you were finally able to move your ship along. If he thought you weren't doing enough as his wingwoman, he wouldn't be able to say that anymore.

"I'll see you guys later, then." You said as you reached around Younghoon to grab your spare helmet.

The feeling of satisfaction Juyeon got when you took back your helmet from Younghoon to give it to him was immeasurable. It sept down into his chest and expanded when you grabbed his wrist and began to guide him out of the restaurant. He knew it meant nothing, but that didn't stop him from smiling down at the hand wrapped around his wrist.

You got on your bike only to be pleasantly surprised at the way Juyeon nonchalantly followed your lead. This time he wasn't afraid to get on, and he didn't hesitate to grab onto you properly. You weren't sure whether it meant he had grown more comfortable around you or simply with the idea of riding around on a motorcycle, but either way you felt over the moon.

And so you sped off in the direction of Juyeon's house, both of you smiling beneath the helmets you wore.

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