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Shopping for materials with you wasn't the way Juyeon expected his Friday night to go. In fact, he was surprised that you even knew the project consisted of building a model of a cell that clearly represented its main structures. You surprised him further by actively choosing materials you thought would work best for the model.

Once you two had everything you needed, Juyeon went to the front to pay. After setting everything on the counter, he dug into his bag in search of his wallet. Yet again, you surprised him by handing the cashier some crisp bills. Juyeon's heart skipped a beat when you grabbed the bag and pulled him along casually as if it was something you did often. He rubbed at his chest, unable to comprehend the foreign feeling that was squeezing his heart.

It didn't come as a surprise when you found out that Juyeon lived in the nicer part of town. His house was huge and looked like something out of a movie. You found yourself feeling out of place as you followed him to his room. The blatant contrast between your two houses reminded you that when it came to lifestyle-and everything, really-Juyeon was on the other end of the spectrum.

Expectedly, Juyeon's room was spacious and made up of darker hues. It too looked like something out of a movie. Before you realized it, you were walking toward the wall beside his window.

Juyeon watched avidly as you went over to where he kept his trophies. His heart stuttered when you let out a soft hum, seemingly impressed with all of his awards that dated back to his childhood years. It gave him an unexpected sense of pride to know that his accomplishments amazed you.

"Let's get started."

In a surprising turn of events, Juyeon found that you weren't terrible at biology at all. In fact, with the way you took the reigns, he was beginning to suspect that your grade was much higher than his own. So far, you had instructed him on how you two would go about building the model. You even managed to explain how the materials you chose would relate to the functions of the cell structures in a way that even he could understand.

After fumbling around with the materials, Juyeon held up what was meant to be the nucleolus. "Is this okay?" His unsure pout nearly had you cooing.

"Yeah." The corner of your lips lifted on their own accord in reaction to his question. "Good job."

Juyeon couldn't take his eyes off of you. Now, as he looked at your half-smile, you seemed like an entirely different person. He couldn't help but wonder what your full smile looked like. I'm sure it's pretty.

His intense stare didn't falter even when you reached your hand up to ruffle the silky strands of his hair. As you brought your hand back down, the tips of your fingers brushed against his soft cheek. Juyeon's eyes bugged out comically, and instantaneously the flesh your fingertips brushed against turned a pretty shade of pink. You let out a soft laugh. Lee Juyeon was unexpectedly cute.


Juyeon was abruptly cut off by the obnoxiously loud sound of his front door opening paired with an uproar of voices he recognized instantly. All of ten seconds had passed before his door was swung open to reveal Jacob and Eric. He didn't know whether to feel relieved or annoyed that his idiot friends had interrupted you two.

"Hey, Y/N!" Jacob greeted you cheerfully. Juyeon and Eric were shocked when you matched his energy and greeted him with the same enthusiasm.

"What are you guys doing here?" Juyeon attempted to not sound perturbed, but his question came out sounding stiff and unnatural.

Eric scoffed. "Did you forget about your party?"

Juyeon was too embarrassed to say that he had, in fact, forgotten about his annual tradition to throw a party before playing the school's biggest rival. He'd been so caught up with the project, with you, that he completely spaced it. Just as he was about to tell his friends that he wanted to cancel the party despite it being the only day his parents wouldn't be home, Haknyeon barged into his room.

"Y/N!" Haknyeon exclaimed as he hurried over to you. He gripped your arm tightly, eyes filled with relief. "I'm so glad you're here."

You raised an eyebrow before shaking off his tight grip. "Why is that?"

"You have a fake ID, right?"

Jacob frowned at his friend. "Hak, don't assume-"

"I do," you confirmed with a quiet chuckle. "I used to make them if you ever need one."

Eric's eyes seemed to shine at your words. Before he could inquire about soliciting your services, Juyeon gave him a look that had goosebumps forming on his skin.

"Our alcohol guy fell through." Haknyeon explained. "So I was wondering if you would help us out?"

All the cute boy needed to so was turn his puppy eyes on you to convince you. With a smirk you pulled out your fake and told him that you'd be back shortly.

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