Chapter 12

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"Darling, I can help you change," Loki purred seductively, even as you were shoving him bodily out of your bedroom. You placed your hands more firmly against the small of his back and shoved.

"Out, silly Trickster," you replied and shoved him from the room. Just because you were soulmates, didn't mean he got to see the show on the day you met. You needed to get to know each other better before that happened.

Loki laughed and let himself be shoved from the room. You closed the door behind him and he made a rude noise for your benefit, which had you laughing. You'd heard what Loki had been through while you'd been talking with him. After all of that, you had a feeling this was the happiest he'd been and the most he'd laughed in years. You liked the sound of his laughter and his happiness. You felt it across the connection of the soulmate marks and it felt... perfect. Like home.

Once Loki was safely shoved out of your suite, you turned and took a look at what you'd accomplished. The room was perfect and felt like home. You had memories here, laughing, drinking, and working with Loki. You were smiling as you headed into your bathroom to freshen up. You finally took off your Avengers T-shirt and dropped it down the laundry chute. You weren't quite sure how laundry was handled in the tower. That was one of the many questions you would have to ask. But for right now, your embarrassing shirt was gone. You found a cute top, managed to do something with your hair to make it presentable, and finally left your room to meet up with Loki, tucking your phone in your pocket as you went. You wouldn't leave your lifeline to your 'normal' life behind. Soph would kill you if you didn't give her more details on the tower and all the changes around you.

Loki was unsurprisingly waiting for you on the other side of the door where you'd left him. He looked like he'd freshened up as well, though he also looked like he hadn't taken a single step past where you'd shoved him. Cheater must've used magic. He gave you a far too innocent look that said clearly he had used magic.


"We don't have to go see the team," he told you, still too innocently and full of mischief and seduction. Damn hot-faced man was too fucking hot and too full of seduction. Was he even trying to be seductive? Or was he just naturally that way? You would find that out with time.

"Yes, we do," you told him firmly. He gave you a pout. He really could be a little shit when he felt like it. And he clearly felt like it. "You can play a trick on Thor if that will make you feel better, but I do need to get to know the people I'm going to be living with," you reminded him. You didn't think you were capable of being an Avenger. You had no special skills to help them... except the new magic you'd gotten through the soulmate mark... that you had no idea how to use yet. But you would be living with the team and therefore needed to get to know them.

Loki sighed and offered you his arm to escort you like the prince he was. "Can I at least turn his hair pink?" He asked you with an adorable pout.

You giggled as you took his arm. "Only if I can take pictures to post on social media," you replied warmly.

"Deal," he agreed easily and you were both laughing as you headed out to spend time with the team. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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