Always (Kurama x reader)

463 8 18

⚠WARNINGS ⚠ gore, kidnapping, poor writing skillz and fictional character death (I'm mentally struggling to write this rn)

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 7:30 am ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

It was quite early to be up on a Saturday. You were heading out of the house to go to your friend kazumas place to meet up with him and your cousin, Yusuke. While taking your usual shortcut you feel a pair of eyes boring through the back of your skull. You paid no mind to I felt as you lifted your head and continued your walk, at a bit of a faster pace than before.

The demon watching you licks his lips, watching your form carefully as he quietly follows along beside you in the trees. You being the amazing horror movie protagonist you are, decides to turn to where you feel the stare coming from. Your met with a tall man, a body structure similar to yokos expect this man wears a suite adorned in black and his hairs in a long gelled back ponytail. You stop, unable to move but no mater how much your bodys telling you to run for it. The demon slowly lurches towards you and backs you up against a nearby tree. He doesn't say anything as he keeps eyes contact with you, he brings his face mere centimeters away from your own then he let's out a skin crawling giggle and opens his mouth. His tounge lolls out of his mouth and licks a stripe from your cheek bone to your temple. You feel bile rise up your throat but, as there's nothing you, a human with no powers like your dear friends can do against a strong ass demon like the one in front of you.
But that doesn't mean you give up.

Once the demon removes his tounge, you knee him forcing him to haunch over. Then you use your long thin nails to slash him across his face temporarily stunning him. You use this opportunity to haul ass through the trail. Unfortunately, he's still a demon meaning he regenerated quite quickly. He grabbed you and punched you right under your diaphragm, knocking all the air out of you, leaving you in shocked and immobilized state. The demon used this to pick you up and walked through the makai barrier. You didn't see it, but he sent a dirty look to a small spikey haired figure rushing towards him. Nonetheless he went through the makai and immediately closed it behind him, the short male didn't quite make it in time. He tried to grab you. But they only caught your hair as it closed, leaving a clump of hair in the hands of the figure.

**✿❀ with the boys ❀✿**

Hiei ran as fast as he could to inform all of the boys (including your sweet fox boy) of your kidnapping. They called botan to help locate you. She opened the makai and used your hair to start the tracker. They followed it to a cave. Your scent there was strong although it was mixed with another. It enraged kurama to learn that you were kidnapped but what pissed him off even more was that the demon that took you wanted you, romantically. Apparently it had been watching you for quite some time during your school hours. Long story short the demon became fond of you after accidental run in at the mall with friends. The demon was truly love sick after seeing your sweet smile and hearing your soft voice.

Alright back to the present. . .

**✿❀ with y/n ❀✿**

You had woken up in a beautiful room; satan red bedsheets, a chandelier, a vase of  black roses, the whole works. Even the walls were red and gold. As you began to move from underneath the comfy bedsheets you looked down and saw your clothes had changed. You were wearing a red satan gown which was also laced with gold and your underwear was completely gone. You felt weird and not in a good way. You once again felt the bile rise up in your throat and forced it down.  Just then did your captor reveal himself once more.

"Oh my love! Your awake! Do you like your clothes? " The demon sang as he took a seat next to you on the bed. "Who the hell are you?! " you growled backing up against the headboard. "I'm your future husband~" he laughed, but didn't give you a chance to respond "Well my sweet pet, I'm going to go fetch you something do not leave this room. " he said slightly lowering his voice but still keeping his smile.

He left, gently closing the door behind him. You heard a chain clink leaving you to assume that he chained the door closed.  Having nothing better to do you explore the room looking for a way out or something that could help you. It was in fact huge but what caught your attention the most was the mirror which reflected the chunk of missing hair you had stolen from you and the facts that all the windows had been barred shut.

After a while of waiting you heard a bang from below you. .

**✿❀ With the boys ❀✿**

They ran to the cave noticing the door in the middle of it. It was truly common to have hidden homes especially like the one this demon owned.  Upon the realization that this is where you where being held hostage they broke the door down and moved in. "Y/N! Where are you!?" Yusuke yelled readying his spirit gun.  (You didn't hear them due to your room being soundproofed but you knew some shit was going down. )

"How dare you intrude upon my home?! " your captor yelled. "That's him.." Hiei said, monotone as usual. "I'll handle him you all go look for y/n" the red head said shifting forms. The boys and botan all split up looking for you. "YOU WILL NOT TAKE HER FROM ME!!!! " the demon yelled crazily charging yoko. Yoko swiftly dodged the wild demons attack and kneed him in the stomach, sending him back a quiet a bit. He wasted no time in summoning his energy and using his sinning tree to finish off the demon. The last words that demon heard were "Burn in hell. "

"Guys!!! " yusuke yelled from up the stairs "Up here!!" He yelled as he began to pull the weak chain apart from your isolated room. . Once it was broken they slammed the door open, to find you curled up in a corner holding a shattered peice glass. Your hand was bleeding from how tight you held the glass. Yet you remained down due to your lack of energy. "Y/N it's us! " kurama said taking the glass from your bloodied hand. You lifted your head to look at him and began to sob as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He picked you up and carried you the rest of the way home, as you drifted to sleep.

»»————> bonus <————««

You were glad when you woke up in your boyfriends bed and seeing his beautiful face watching your own. "Thank you Rama. " you sniffled, wrapping your body around his. "Anything for you, my love. "

"I love you Rama.. "

"I love you too n/n~"

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Idk what the hell I just did... I'm not good at these fighting conflict things. I'm also sorry I was inactive for a while I just wasn't feeling it bc I was sleeping like 24/7.  But I hope this was okay if anyone know how to help me improve with these kinds of fighting things plz let me know 🙏. Anywaysssss I hope your having a great (day/evening/night). I love you alllll 💜.

This was requested by ➺ Megahero350

-𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚢𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗 🖤

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