Two - Jess's POV

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I was sitting with my friends, as usual, on our usual 'popular clan' table, usually i'm the noisy one and shit, but that day, I was different, i could feel my eyes watering because of rememering those shitty 3 years in that school full of hell and bullshit.

Aaron was looking at me suspiciously, well since that morning. he didn't know what's happening to me, i guess.

Or did he?

I sighed, running my fingers through my now-blonde hair, while my other hand was picking up those tortillas that i bought before.

"Jess, you're okay?" someone asked me, I turned around and saw Aaron, his hands were inside his jeans pocket, his hair was messy as usual, he bit his lip and then sat beside me. Jesus, why did he have to be so attractive?

"I-I'm fine" i shrugged my head, but then he insisted, "no Jess, you are NOT fine, tell me what's going on" his beautiful green eyes staring into mine, his face was indeed serious, his lips were pink and so plump, if i could just grab his face and-and snap it out Jess!

After debating and arguing with my inner self i finally gave in, i took a deep breath and replied him

"fine, i'll tell you. B-but it's too crowded here". He smiled and chuckled, and let his hand out for me to grab and hold on, "well walk with me then", i looked down, blushing, taking his hand and intertwined our fingers. And those butterflies in my stomach flew again.

We walked outside the cafeteria, through the corridor and to the football field, we jumped down the bleachers while intertwining our hands and started walking around the green field. The wind blows, making Aaron's hair looked messier, definition of pure sexiness, i'm telling you.

Our hands still intertwined, we walked around the field when suddenly he broke the silence, "so, will you tell me what's going on with you now?"

I deeply sighed, run my fingers through my hair once more, "well yesterday, i was cleaning my room and arranging the boxes in my closet-" "wait you clean your room?" Aaron asked, surprised and I just glared at him, playfully, "yes, now continue" he chuckled and I just grinned, "well I found this scrapbook, it was this old scrapbook that i haven't opened for like years. And when i opened it, those memories came back" i tried to hold on the tears.

"What memories?" Aaron asked me and we stopped, I sighed deeply and continued "those memories of my junior high school, it was dark... I was insecure, I was ugly and and- weak" "Oh Jess" he pulled me into a comforting hug and i hugged him back while burying my head on his chest. we pulled away and then sat on the bleachers.

"And these people, these girls, they-they used to bring me down, and attack me until I reached the point where I want to end-my life and- just give up everything" he nodded, I looked down at my shoes and sighed again, the tears started coming, "so that's why you don't wanna bully those nerds while the others are..." Aaron said, "mmhmm, cause i have felt the same thing"

"Continue?" Aaron insist and I just chuckled, "and there were boys too, sometimes they abused me, yelled bad things and sometimes they acts like they're totally like me for me, but then they just fucked up my feelings, which led to another scar on my wrist. Then this chick, Natalie, came and become my only friend"

"Well, we started out well and we hung out a lot as usual, which made me happier and brighter and for a short time, I could stay away from the blade" I told Aaron, and he then lightened up, "so that's why you were so bitter towards the guys at first!! I knew it WOOO!" he screamed happily. Weird Aaron.

He then calmed down for a few seconds then he asked the most random thing i've ever heard in my entire life, "can I see your scars?", I gulped and hesitated at first but then I gave in, I pulled up my 'YMCMB' sweater's sleeves and then those scars were visible, well it started to dissapear tho. Aaron took my wrist and then HE-FUCKING-KISSED-THOSE-SCARS. I blushed deeply and smiled, "thank you" I whispered and he nodded, then continued the convo, "so what happened to you and Nat?"

"She broke off our friendship over a stupid reputation" I stated

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