Chapter 2

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I opened the door, I closed it shut. I opened the door slowly and peeked outside and immediately closed it again. I repeated the process for about like a minute.

Have I finally gone mad? Am I hallucinating or am I dead?? How am I dead? How did I die? Is this how heaven is like? Or is this hell? Am I dreaming? Where am I? Is this some kind of a hidden camera prank? My emotions were like a rollercoaster at the moment.

"What is happening? Ah~ I must be dreaming!!"

I pinched myself. It hurts, are we not supposed to feel pain while we are dreaming??!?

"This is how people die in horror movies. Y/N you need to calm yourself. Don't panic. Just act as if this is normal. Don't let the fear show on your face. The moment you let the fear show they'll get to you. Yep, everything is normal."

I kept repeating that to myself as I slowly opened the door again. First thing first I need to figure out where I am.

I walked down the stairs to the street searching for some sort of hint about my whereabouts. As I was trying to figure out where the main street was I saw a restaurant with a board. Then I looked around to see a bunch of shops with similar writings.


If you are wondering how did I know then I'm a kpop stan. I have been trying to learn Korean so I can communicate with my idols. And no I am not fluent in it...

When I looked up everyone was staring at me. Oh my god this is so embarrassing. I walked at a really fast pace without even looking at anyone cause I didn't want to embarrass myself anymore then I already have. This moment is gonna hunt me forever 😭😭.

I took random turns until I stopped cause I heard a commotion up ahead. I stopped and I couldn't help my curiosity and went to see what the commotion was about.

I saw several ambulance and patient along with the paramedic covered in blood. It was super chaotic and it freaked me out. I've never seen so much blood in real life, I've rarely been to a hospital not to mention an emergency ward so why do I feel like I've seen this before, but where. I went inside and saw him. It was only for a brief second but how can I mistake him for someone else. I'll never forget that handsome face after all it's one a kind.

"Seo In Guk?!?" I mumbled under my breath. I saw him walk away and I followed him but it was a dead end. Where did he go? Moreover what was he doing here?

I went back to the hall where there were all those previous patient and I saw cops surrounding a patient. I zoned out all those noise and slowly realized what was happening. I came back to reality when a nurse bumped into me.

I was inside the drama of 'Doom At Your Service'. Wait what!! How did I get here? Is this even possible?

"Calm down! Take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale." I mumbled to myself as I tried to calm down. After I calmed down, I tried to remember the timeline. As I thought back I remembered. "I need to go to the rooftop."

I took the elevator and tried to find my way. That's when I saw them both. So this is really happening. All I knew was that I need to talk to her. I moved closer is a really slow pace almost tiptoeing afraid to make a sound.

"The garden does not belong to the gardener."

"Then what about me? What am I in this garden of yours?"

"You are a butterfly. For the flowers in my garden."

"Until when exactly?"


"You're roo cruel to someone, on his birthday." He scoffed.

I looked around for cameras. I still wanted to believe that this was a shooting as it was more easy to explain. I looked back at them when I saw his face with a hurtful expression or was it anger whichever it was it only lasted for like  a second. 'Was I mistaken, what did I miss?'

I took a step forward towards them. They both looked at me. He looked at me with a blank but confused face while she aka the goddess looked almost amused.

They kept looking at me with a single word and it was getting really awkward.

"Hello!" I broke the silence with a awkward smile.

"This is interesting!" She said as I moved closer towards them. In Guk or should I say Myul Mang looked at the goddess and back to me with a confused look. He didn't say a word but I can tell from the look of his face that he had a lot of questions he wanted to ask both of us.


Author's note:
I had to unpublish the previous chapters because as I was watching the drama I realized that I messed up the timeline so I have to rewrite it all again. Sorry. I'll try to publish the next chapter as soon as I can. Thank you for reading and have a great day. Also I want you guys to know that you are really precious and beautiful. Love you guys.




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