Chapter 3

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"This is interesting!" She said as I moved closer towards them. In Guk or should I say Myul Mang looked at the goddess and back to me with a confused look. He didn't say a word but I could tell from the look on his face that he had a lot of questions he wanted to ask both of us.

"Who are you?" Myulmang questioned with a stern voice. I didn't know how to response to that. Was I supposed to be like 'hi! My name is y/n. And I'm from a different world or maybe from a different universe.' After a long pause my response was,"Human."

Don't know why I said that but I was kind of proud of my answer. Wait this is not the time to be cocky.

"Um.. can I talk to her alone?" I asked as I quickly looked away from him. As soon as I said that she grabbed my had and I we teleported to a private hospital room. So, I'm not the only one with a teleporting power. Figures as she's the goddess.

"So you know who I am. What do you want to tell me?" She asked me with blank stare.

I explained how I woke up this morning and as soon as I opened the door I was here. I told her that I don't even remember where my home was. I also told her that they were all a part of drama that I used to watch back in my home, my actual home.

"Since you know what is going to happen do not do anything. Don't change anything. Avoid us if possible."

I understood what she meant, me changing even a slight of present could result in a big change in the future but there was still a lot of things I was confused about.

"Wait!! I still have a lot of questions. Where am I going to live I don't even know how to get to my place? Is it possible for me to go back to my world? How can I understand Korean?" I kept rambling. I was so confused.

"You woke up here out of nowhere so how you can speak this language should be least of your concern. About where you are going to stay is not something I can help with so stand back and enjoy your stay here. You are the first human I have met who travelled to different universe meaning I don't know how long all this is going to last or how this is going to end", She spoke with no expression, not even confused about this weird situation.

As soon as she said that I teleported to a different place. Even before I registered what just happened or where I teleported to I heard a loud crash. I looked behind me where I saw a white car just crashed onto the black car. Not even a minute passed and a man suddenly felled into a pothole that appeared out of nowhere.

Wait that red car. Now I remembered, the pothole was created as soon as he lit the lighter. I tried to approach his vehicle but he drove away, I don't think he saw me. If the man just fell then Tak Dong-gyung should be near that hole as she was supposed to be chasing that bastard.

I spotted her but I was hesitant to approach her. Will it create a butterfly effect. The advice that the goddess gave was still lingering my mind.

'It's better for everyone if I don't approach her. I should just let them be.' with that thought I walked away.

I kept walking with no destination in mind, just taking random turns until I reached at a small park. It was already dawn so no one was there except for a few passerbys. I know it was risky being alone in a park but I was tired and sitting in that swing was really tempting.

As I sat on the swing, I kept thinking about the events that happened today. I had so many questions that were unanswered and the people who can give me answers either didn't want me to approach them or me approaching them would possibly result in change in the future. I still found it hard to believe this situation.
I just sighed and came to a conclusion that right now relaxing was the best for me.


Author's note:
I know that this chapter is a little short but please bear with me for now. I know that there is still place for me to improve so please correct me on my mistakes. Thank you for reading.



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