Chapter 3: The Academy of the Performing Arts

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As we neared people, we all started strutting in slow-motion, so they could notice our weekly touched-up hair, coordinated to the T outfits, and our calm and cool we're-better-than-you demeanors. And suddenly, as we got to the front door, we all locked pinkies and promised to be badder than bad, and to make everybody jealous of us. Then, Elina opened the door, and of course, I walked in first, with the others trailing quickly on my tail. All of us walked in like we were models on a catwalk, flirting with guys, getting in good with the teachers, and acting our part out as being rich, charismatic, gorgeous girls with perfect lives, flawless grades, and being totally fetch Queen Bs. Everybody knew we were better than them, even the teachers, and as everyone knows, WE are the ones who are treated like royalty. As the bell rang, we separated, with me having dance class first period, since I AM the greatest dancer here. I walked into dance class a few seconds before the bell rang again, because the number one rule of being a Queen B is to always be fashionably late, because that's when everyone checks you out. Plus, knowing myself so well, I just ADORE people staring at me, since the attention is so very comforting. I just don't know why people hate the spotlight, because it's as lovely as having Ace Matthews as a boyfriend. But, they don't have to worry, because as long as I'm here, I'll always be the center of attention, and that's just the way I like it. Speaking of Ace Matthews, I saw his charming self just across the room, hanging with his best buddies, Nash Marigliano and Lance Murphy and trying on his black tap shoes. Gosh, he looked so hot, and, I predicted exactly what he was wearing. Just then, the dance teacher, Ms. Swan, told us that we were learning a tap routine to collaborate with Mean Girls. Naturally, I kept on my boots, because they had a heel, high enough for tap dancing. Besides, I am way too lazy just to change my shoes for tap-dancing, cause, who has that kind of time? We were just beginning to warm-up, and I purposely chose a spot next to Ace so I could inhale his delicious aroma. I already knew that he was wearing his favorite cologne, Ralph Lauren's Red Collection, which was dark and handsome just like him. Ms. Swan taught us the moves to the song, which consisted of wings, difficult combinations, and complex levels of movement, but nothing I couldn't handle. Suddenly, Ms. Swan put us in pairs, so we could work on the dance, and lucky me(I'm not being sarcastic either) I got to work with Ace!!! I walked over to him, but for some reason, he did NOT look happy to see me. "Darn it.", he muttered under his breath. "Sorry to burst your bubble, dream boy.", I sneered. "But if you're not happy to see me, I suggest you leave now, before I make you leave." "That's where you're wrong Chanel.", he told me. "I'm absolutely glad to see you. Ecstatic even. The only problem I have is for you to stop crying out for desperate attention when you're around me." For a minute, I was shocked, because he thought I was DESPERATE. But it was only for a minute, before I quickly regained my natural composure. "What are you talking about? I don't want you!", I whispered loudly. "What would make you think that I wanted you?" "The only reason that I know you want me, is because I want you, more than you could imagine.", he murmured into my ear. He started putting his strong arms around my tiny waist, and rocking us back and forth. From his touch and soft voice, I was totally mesmerized, and I was really distracted from his soft lips brushing my neck. But then, the moment was shattered when Ms. Swan ordered us to start dancing. "I'll talk to you more at lunch.", he said. Me and him both aced the dance, and when the bell rang, I really took my time and started gathering my belongings. I have seven classes in all, and lunch for me was at the end of my fourth period. All my classes were a blur, as I was daydreaming, and was caught totally off guard. Suddenly, I was so anxious for lunch to begin, so I could find out what Ace had to say.

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