Chapter 9: My New Life

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I woke up today feeling single and ready to mingle! Literally, my eyes were wide awake at 8:00. I could tell from the start that today was going to be a day fit for a Queen of the Hipsters! I leaped in the shower, putting on lilac-scented shower gel, and lathered myself up really well. I got out and left my hair the way it was, bobby-pin straight, and I got out a simple but cute white lacy bra combo. In my closet, I put on a stork-white dress that was just above my knees, black thigh-high socks, and my black Mary Janes. I added a purple cuffed skully with the words, "#MEOW", and painted my nails the exact same shade of purple, adding flower designs in the process. I grabbed my IPhone 6 plus, my black Clueless-like backpack, and got in my car, speeding to school. I walked into first period quickly, and didn't hold up class like I usually do. On the way to lunch, I saw these girls with these way too short mini-skirts and short-shorts, and they were so short they looked kind of *whisper* slutty. No wonder Ace put that as one of the limitations, because if I looked like that, my reputation in public would be ruined. I also saw my squad, but they weren't rude as I thought they would be. Instead, they smiled and complimented me on my new style. I got to lunch, following the teacher who had the list, and knocking over everyone in the process like bowling pins. When she posted the list, I scanned for my name, and fortunately, it was at the tippy-top of the list. Unfortunately, my name was right next to the name that I loathed in this play: Cady. I didn't get Regina George?! Well, who did?! I looked more at the lower part of the list, and saw Jessica's name. Grrrrrrr. I scooted to the back of the line, my face probably so red that I resembled the exact same shade as my favorite lipstick, Sexiness. I felt like I could probably toilet-paper Mr. Act's entire house, and trash paint his car. When Ace saw me, he pulled me to his chest and stroked my hair, kissing my forehead and face. I instantly felt happy, my heart swelling with pleasure. "What part did you get?", he asked. "Cady.", I sniffled. "Which is the worst role in the history of roles, and I hate Mr. Act, and this show. I'm not committing myself to the role, because it's a very bad role, and no one is going to make me play Cady. Everyone got the role they wanted, including you." "Let's get out of here.", he said. So he pulled me with him to the office, and we got out of school early. He drove me in my car to his house, the second biggest house, after mine. It was black, filled with bullet-proof glass everywhere, and it was very modern. Inside the house, lay futons, chandeliers, and technology of all sorts. His dad was a very famous technology expert, creating software and smart houses, where the homes contained a Siri throughout the house. His mom was a model, and she passed her generous looks on to her off-spring, which was certainly fine by me. Ace sat me on the couch, pampering me with a blanket and kisses. He asked me how I felt about the role, and I spilled my thoughts to him as he cuddled me on the couch. "Babe, I'm sorry to say, but you have to commit to this role. It wouldn't be fair to everybody, including me, to give up and cancel the show, just because you don't like the person that you're playing. You have to be the Chanel that you are, the person who doesn't give up.", he demanded. "Well maybe I don't want to be the Chanel that you're expecting me to be!", I yelled. "I'm not expecting you to be anyone!", he retorted. "I just want you to stop being this egotistical, mean, selfish girl that you're acting like, and just be you!" "I'm sorry to tell you this, but my true self is Queen B, whether you like it or not!", I screamed. "No, it's not.", he said sadly. I got up out of his house, speeding along the highway, angry and sad at Ace for pushing me to be someone that I'm not. I hate that stupid role, and Mr. Act can let someone else play it. If I'm not a nerd, a hipster, or a Queen B, then what am I? I mean, making fun of people isn't cool, but for me, it's always what I've done. I went home and sulked underneath the covers. When I woke up the next morning, I felt like boochie, which was not a good thing. I got up, skipped the shower, put on perfume, and put a big beanie over my hair. I threw on a regular black bra combo, and put on a black crop top with black sweatpants, and my sky-high black heeled boots. My feet felt so different in them, but they felt comfortable and right. I forgot the make-up, flying to school in my car, and took my time going to 1st period. I walked in late, got a detention, and shrugged it off, not caring about the dancing. Ms.Swan screamed at me the whole time, but I just didn't care. I slept through all my classes, and I didn't go to rehearsal even though I was required too as the lead of the show. I really didn't care, because right then life sucked, and I didn't know what to do to make it go away.

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