Chapter 11: The Show Must Go On!

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The last four weeks flew by, as I ran around crazy trying to memorize my lines. But since I am Chanel, it was easy, and I got them down packed. I tried on my costumes, which were amazingly terrific, and I had a little heart-to-heart with Jessica, since she was nervous because she thought I was angry with her for getting the part that I wanted. I told her that as she knows, at first I was ticked off, but gradually I accepted the fact that she fit Regina way better, but in the end, I still got the lead role, naturally. And of course, she agreed with me, because absolutely nobody wants to get on my bad side. Before I knew it, the day of the show was finally here. I got up out of bed, sprung into the shower, and rubbed myself with soap that reminded me of roses. I got out, and took out my braids that I put in the the night before, making my hair instantly crinkly. I went natural as far as make-up goes, and put on a striped sky-blue-and-white bra combo with matching boy shorts. Then, I threw on a floral Easter-like green and yellow dress, white knee-high socks, dark brown ankle boots, a jean jacket that was old but never went out of style. I sprayed some of Madonna's perfume, Truth or Dare, on myself, and headed to school, thinking of my lines and practicing my songs in the car. When I got out, everybody came up to me, wishing me good luck, giving me red roses, and throwing thumbs-up my way. I'll tell you, I was feeling like the woman as I glided through my school's doors that were shaped like high arches. This was the day that I was going to reveal my true self to the world. I flew through all my classes, too excited to even pay attention to what my instructors had to say. When the final bell rang, I sprinted to the auditorium, making my way to my dressing room, decorated entirely to my liking. I got in, and pulled out all of the cosmetics and hair necessities that I stuffed into my luggage bag the night before. I stripped off all of my clothes, and wiped myself off with some water and a bit of Dove soap, making myself feel refreshed. I rolled on deodorant that smelled like baby powder, and got started. First, I put on a strawberry-colored lacy bra, complete with pearls plus sequins, with sheer-looking underwear, to make myself feel like more of the mean girl that Cady took on later in the show. Then, I put on just a bit of eyeshadow with eyeliner, because in some of the First Act, Cady was a homeschooled dork. Next, I placed my hair in a low ponytail, and checked myself out in the mirror. Okay, I looked like a nerd, that was a good sign. I practiced my dance numbers, lines, and songs to help kill time, because the show began at 6:00, and it was 5:00 right now. When the clock hit 5:30, I put on my costume, which was a plaid button-down shirt that was orange, a pair of faded-looking mom jeans, and black Keds. I drew fake freckles around my nose, and came out my dressing room so I could meet with all of the other actors. Zelina, Lacy, and Jessica looked like the perfect crew for messing up people's lives. They reminded me a little of my old crew, with their sour expressions of disgust on their faces, and their perfect fashion choices.
Jessica was dressed in a soft-pink crop top that read, "I don't have tissues for your issues", a short black leather skirt with awesome fringe, a hot-pink long-sleeved jacket that fit her broad shoulders, and pumps that matched the exact same shade of pink as her jacket. Lacey was dressed in an eggshell-white tube top, a magenta-colored skirt that probably didn't even reach her fingertips, and pink pumps with little bows on them. Zelina was dressed in a neon-pink crop top with medium-length sleeves, which showed off her tan belly button, a brown plaid skirt which was just a little longer than the others, and tan wedges. They were the ideal Mean Girls clique, and they were in perfect order: Regina in the front, Gretchen on her left, and Karen on her right. Suddenly, the lights flickered on and off, and that was the signal for everybody to take their places. The show was about to start?! When did that happen?! I peeked behind the curtain, and I saw that we had a full house, which meant that all 1,000 seats were taken! My mom and dad were here, and just as I recognized them, they were giving each other a big smooch! I feel like gagging, but I refrained. The lights went down, everyone was seated, and the show began! Literally, I rocked my role as Cady in all of Act 1. I knew it because everyone was snickering at my catchy jokes, including the cast and crew. And my next outfits were so fetch, that I practically begged the costume director to let me have them. By the time intermission rolled around, I was a little out of breath, but otherwise, I had fun. We stopped at the part where Janice yelled at Cady through the car. My friends and Ace came up to me, and lifted me up, where they started a victory chant, just for me! I couldn't stop laughing, and then I had to go back to my dressing room to change into my third-to-last costume. As I walked back on the stage, I caught a lot of whistles coming my way, but I didn't mind. I got through Act 2 with a few seconds to spare, and as Mr. Act called my name to show me off to the crowd for playing Cady, I got a standing ovation, plus three encores! It was a day that I would always remember. I stepped up to the podium, where I would finally tell the world who I was.

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