Chapter 13: It All Works Out

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After the show, I had a huge party at my house, and it was a blast! I definitely got more attention TODAY than on my birthday. I saw my old crew, and we made peace with ourselves. We also vowed to never make fun of people ever again, and if one of us did, we would correct that person immediately. Hey, I never said anybody was perfect, now did I? Ace and I became an ideal couple, and I couldn't imagine life without him, even if I attempted to. I could tell he felt the same way about me, because accurately every three seconds he gives me a kiss on my cheeks, lips, and forehead, all at the same time. Did you know that you can determine if a man loves you, just by if he kisses you on the forehead? I'm getting smarter by the minute. The year was almost over, so for the remainder of the days, it was smooth sailing. I pulled up my grades just in time for report cards, in my school everybody was friends with each other, and my life was doing pretty well. Our school was officially bully-free, and if anybody tried to change that, I had a whole army of 1500 students to back me up. The weeks were short, and pretty sure it was about to become summer. Ace got into a college not too far from where I was going, Harvard, so I would see him often and forever. It all worked out in the end. Elina is branching out in sports, Flora joined yoga, Jessica is planning to become a fashion designer, and Hazel is going to be a wrestler. Lacey is going to become an actress, Zelina is going for a doctor, and Josh is going to be a maker of men's cologne, to help the world smell better. Ace was going to become an actor, and Yours Truly was going to be a model\lawyer, since I'm beautiful and VERY persuasive. Everything worked out for the better, and everything ended up exactly like how I wanted it to end up. Because in the end, I thought as I kissed Ace's cheek, what Queen B wants, best to believe, Queen B surely gets.

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