Chapter 13: The Verdict

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A/N: This is the last chapter of this novella. Thank you for reading and supporting it! As a way of saying thanks, there will still be an epilogue and some extra chapters!

This chapter involves legal and criminal proceedings. I am not a police or a lawyer, but to the best of my knowledge, I will try to write these parts as close to the real procedures. Nevertheless, I will be exercising my dramatic license to modify some of these existing conventions to fit the narrative. I hope you all understand!

 I hope you all understand!

Oops! Ang larawang ito ay hindi sumusunod sa aming mga alituntunin sa nilalaman. Upang magpatuloy sa pag-publish, subukan itong alisin o mag-upload ng bago.


THE MOST awaited part of the People of the Philippines versus Madonna Mendoza case was finally here: the promulgation of judgment. It's the final episode of a drama series that people had been following. Everyone who's interested on whether the verdict would be guilty or not guilty was surely tuning in.

I wanted to see this case through. This morning, I called in sick so I could attend the promulgation. None of my colleagues would be coming to the Hall of Justice building anyway, so it's unlikely that I would bump into one of them here. They'd be busy inspecting some crime scenes and collecting pieces of evidence the whole day.

Unlike last time, I was a little bit earlier today. The gallery would surely be crowded by the victim's family, the suspect's family, the members of the media and some spectators. I wanted a front row seat to see everything unfold before my very eyes. Lorelei, who's here to cover the event, sat on my left while Jamie, who's been praying for a not guilty verdict, sat on my right. One could say that we're here to show support not only to the accused, but also to our friend Alistair who stood as her defense attorney.

What I was more interested in, aside from the verdict, would be the decision of my prosecutor brother. A few days ago, I went to the Office of the City Prosecution at six in the evening. His routine implied that he would be working there until seven. He's also a workaholic like my mom. I was confident that he'd be there when I came to deliver him the news, but his colleagues told me that he left early.

I narrowed down the places where he could have been. He couldn't be in any sort of work-related meetings, otherwise his colleagues would have told me already. Instinctively I called our home to confirm if he went to check how my mom's doing, but the housekeepers told me that he didn't go there. I next thought of calling the high-end restaurant where he was once spotted. The manager confirmed to me that a certain "Lucian Thoren Mendez" made a reservation for two.

Yes, for two. Him and someone else.

Aside from delivering him a news which he may not fully appreciate, I was curious as to who he was dating this time. When I got there after commuting via booked car, I wasn't that surprised to see him with Lorelei sharing the same table. I saw the two of them together in the same restaurant while I was investigating a totally unrelated case a month ago. While I was curious why, I didn't bother asking Lorelei when we met again. It's not my business anyway.

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