Chapter 2

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Warnings for chapter: Swearing, Ari calls Yeonjun a pet name, I think that's it

Word count for chapter: 902 (not counting the rules)

Genre: some fluff, Ari is somewhat a bitch

The rules of the world go as follow and everyone must follow:

There are pretty privileges. I.e The above-average looking shall be granted special v.i.p privileges like passing classes, special treatment at restaurants, cafes, fast food places, and have a 35% discount off any purchase.The rich are allowed a 15% discount on any purchase as well as have special treatment at restaurants, cafes, fast food places, etc. They are allowed to pass classes much like the above average, however, they must pay for said classes they want to pass.The above-average are only allowed to marry others above average or the rich. It is forbidden for an above-average to be in a relationship/marry those who are considered average or below.The average or below will be allowed to befriend those above them as long as it stays at that. If it becomes more, the average or below will be shunned from society and will either be sent to prison for treason against the laws or have to pay a fine depending on status.The average or below will not be allowed jobs in certain fields. I.e anything involving entertainment, politics, sales representatives, teachers, writers, nurses, or being a doctor.The average or below are only permitted to have two kids to prevent the population from being overrun by the average or below. That does not include triplets or etc. If they have more than two, the youngest will be sent to an adoption centre to be adopted by those who are unable to have children. If an average or below has a child that is of an above-average status, the child will be the only one allowed to use pretty privileges.If an above-average have an average or below child, the parents will be the only ones allowed to use pretty privileges

"What? How do you know all this," You ask slightly creeped out?

"We've been in the same class for years? We literally have all of our classes together and I'm really good friends with your best friend, Soobin. Don't worry, I'm not some stalker." he laughs and then runs his fingers through his hair. You can tell he's slightly anxious by how he taps his fingers on the desk and how he continues to run his hand through his hair. "So, what's your answer?"

"Huh? To what?" "Coffee. Do you want to get coffee with me?"

"Why? Why are you asking me to get coffee with you? If you want me to tutor you all you have to do is ask. You don't have to pretend to be nice. None of the other aboves do." "Y/n, I'm not pretending to be nice to you for you to tutor me. I don't need one. I'm actually 2nd in this class. I genuinely want to be your friend and get coffee with you." You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, "but isn't it forbidden for us to hang out?" "Nah, not for us to be friends. Unless you want it to be a date," he raises his brow with a smirk growing on his face.

Your eyes widen and blush at the thought of going on a date with Yeonjun, "no-no! Friend's is just fine for me."

"Cool. So, Cafe 7 Dream after class?"

"Sure, but you're paying. I am a broke college student who can definitely not afford the luxury of Cafe 7 Dream coffee. Especially since you get that above discount."

He laughs at your statement, "Alright, deal."

Yeonjun stayed true to his word and didn't bug you for the rest of class. You thought he'd forget about your coffee date after class, but he didn't. Well, not a date date. Just something you planned last minute. Yeah, that was it, not an actual date. Anyways. Yeonjun most definitely didn't forget about your date because he was dragging your ass to the cafe by hand. Now, usually, this wouldn't be allowed because it's forbidden for aboves and the average to have any type of skin contact unless it was your parents. It was strange because no one batted an eyelash at you two as you walked to the cafe.

That was until Ari stopped you both dead in your tracks. She noticed that you and Yeonjun had your fingers intertwined together, and scowled. She was pissed. Not only has her promised one not asked her to be his, but here he stood, right in front of her, holding an average's hand. "What the fuck Yeonjun," Ari said, hands on her hips. If looks could kill, you would be dead.

"Hey, Ari. We're heading to cafe 7 Dream for some coffee. What's up," Yeonjun replies, either not noticing or ignoring the glare she's sending your way.

"Okay, whatever, but why the fuck are you holding hands?" "Oh, so we can get there faster! I have longer legs so I can easily drag Y/n along," he has an easygoing smile on as if there wasn't a care in the world. As if he didn't break one of the forbidden rules.

"Honey, you do realize that it's forbidden for you to hold hands or have any skin contact with a below or average? Plus you're already promised to me. Imagine how I feel seeing you holding hands with someone else," Ari asks with a very condensing tone.

"Yes Ari, I know. You don't have to remind me every single day. Do you know how stressful it is for me when you keep asking me every single second," Yeonjun squeezes your hand, trying to let go of the tense situation? "Now, I wanna go get a coffee with Y/n before cafe 7 Dream closes. I'll talk to you later about this. Goodbye Ari." Yeonjun drags you away from Ari who has a shocked face. Why is he doing this? You wish you could just see what was going through his head.

"I'm sorry for the intense situation Ari and I put you through back there. You didn't need to go through that," Yeonjun hands you your drink as you sit down at a table near the window.

"Oh don't worry. I'm sorry you had to go through with that. But I did want to ask, why did you? Why did you defend me earlier," you take a sip of your drink and set it down? Your eyes meet his and he sighs.

"Well, I don't think it's fair for her to talk down to you just because society deems you as an average. You are incredibly smart and beautiful. I've wanted to strike up a conversation with you when you first stepped into the classroom, but I've never really had the chance to. After this morning, I saw an opportunity to finally talk to you. And I'm glad I did because I'm really enjoying our "date" today, even if it isn't an actual date," Yeonjun softly smiles and takes a sip of his coffee.

You smile in return, "yeah so am I."

The walk back to your dorm room was silent, both of your hands intertwined together, though forbidden neither of you seemed to care. Something silently growing between you. Although you don't quite know if it's a friendship or maybe something more.

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