Chapter 7

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Warnings for chapter: Swearing, 

Word count for chapter: 926

You turn around and look up to see a police officer looking down at you. What the fuck? Oh no, does he recognize you? Where's Yeonjun? Is he okay? Did he get recognized? Did this end before it even began?

"Uhm, can I help you officer?" You try to be polite as you can and not be suspicious, you'll have to lie your way out of this. If you don't, it really will be over.

"I feel like I've seen you before? Do you perhaps know of Miss Han Y/n? You look like her, she's the girl that apparently stole millions from the Choi Company and kidnapped their son. Have you seen her," the police officer raises their brow and looks down at you suspiciously.

"W-what? Stole millions from the Choi Company AND kidnapped their son? I'm confused, how can such a small person kidnap an actual giant, that doesn't really add up does it," you know you shouldn't get so defensive because that'll definitely out you, but you can't help it. Especially when you are getting accused of such crimes.

"Now, now. It isn't my place to say whether that is true or not, I'm just supposed to go around asking if people have seen either of the pair. No need to get so defensive, but you didn't answer my question. Have you seen her," the officer bends down, making severe eye contact with you.

" I didn't even know about that until now."

"Hmmm, are you sure?" The police officer keeps his intense gaze, hoping that you would slip up.

Suddenly, someone grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers with theirs. You look up and see Soobin stiffly smiling down at you. "Soo? I thought you were asleep in the car?"

"I was, but then I woke up. Jun told me you were getting snacks for the trip, so I thought I should probably come in and help," Soobin said, tightening his grip on your hand, "Can I help you officer?"

"Good evening sir, I was just asking this young lady a couple of questions about the major situation going on. May I ask how you are associated with her," the officer turns to Soobin.

"Yes, I'm her best friend. We go to school together, but decided to go on a trip with her boyfriend who is in the car waiting for us right now. So if you don't mind, we'd like to pay for our things and get back on the road. We have a long day ahead of us," Soobin answers smoothly.

The officer stiffly nods, "of course sir, sorry for taking away your evening." The cop turns on their heels and walks out of the gas station. Both you and Soobin release a breath that you were holding. The anxiety slowly releases from your body.

"Let's hurry and get the fuck out of here. Who knows if the cop recognized me or not. We should probably tell Yeonjun what happened," You let go of Soobin's hand and head to the register.

Both you and Soobin were able to make it to the car safely without anyone else recognizing you. You hop in the passenger side of the car and see Yeonjun staring at you with a worried look.

"Y/n is everything okay? I saw the cop come out of the store, he passed by me and asked if I knew you two at all," Yeonjun interlaces your fingers in his and presses a small kiss on the back of your hand.

"Yeah, just got a little spooked because I thought he recognized me, maybe he did and just let it go. I don't know, but I think we should get out of here as soon as we can because if he did recognize me then we'll be caught before we even make it out of the city," you reply hastily, urging Yeonjun to start the car. He nods and starts the engine and drives out of the gas station with haste.

"I'm just thankful we got out of there before he said anything more. I can't believe everyone thinks I stole from you and kidnapped you."

"What," Yeonjun furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"Yeah, apparently everyone on the news is saying that I kidnapped you and stole millions from your father's company. I don't even know how they know that you were involved in our runaway adventure. I also don't know why they didn't mention Soobin."

"You're right, that is weird. I'm an average like you, I should've been involved in the kidnapping," Soobin chimes in, confusion lacing his voice.

"Do you think Ari has something to do with it," You look over to Yeonjun whose face turned into a look of shock.

"She can't be that petty, right? I mean sure I broke up with her but we weren't even technically together, she was just my promised one. I didn't even love her. Plus she was probably only using me for my money, pretty sure I caught her making out with another guy before we even started to hang out and talk. It was pretty clear from the beginning that she didn't want a relationship with me, so I don't know why she would go to such lengths," Yeonjun grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers and gives your hand a gentle squeeze to calm your racing heart.

"You're right, but I still can't help being a little suspicious."

Soobin's phone pings and he opens the notification, "Uhm guys, we might have a slight problem...maybe make that major."

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