Chapter 3

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Warnings for chapter: Swearing, Ari gets a little handsy on the reader,

Word count for chapter: 712 (not counting the rules)

The rules of the world go as follow and everyone must follow:

There are pretty privileges. I.e The above-average looking shall be granted special v.i.p privileges like passing classes, special treatment at restaurants, cafes, fast food places, and have a 35% discount off any purchase.

The rich are allowed a 15% discount on any purchase as well as have special treatment at restaurants, cafes, fast food places, etc. They are allowed to pass classes much like the above average, however, they must pay for said classes they want to pass.

The above-average are only allowed to marry others above average or the rich. It is forbidden for an above-average to be in a relationship/marry those who are considered average or below.

The average or below will be allowed to befriend those above them as long as it stays at that. If it becomes more, the average or below will be shunned from society and will either be sent to prison for treason against the laws or have to pay a fine depending on status.

The average or below will not be allowed jobs in certain fields. I.e anything involving entertainment, politics, sales representatives, teachers, writers, nurses, or being a doctor.

The average or below are only permitted to have two kids to prevent the population from being overrun by the average or below. That does not include triplets, etc. If they have more than two, the youngest will be sent to an adoption centre to be adopted by those who are unable to have children.

If an average or below has a child that is of an above-average status, the child will be the only one allowed to use pretty privileges.

If an above-average have an average or below child, the parents will be the only ones allowed to use pretty privileges.

It's been a few weeks since your coffee "date" with Yeonjun and you both have weekly hangouts with each other. Which has been annoying the hell out of Ari because how dare someone ignore her for someone else. Especially not some average girl, so she was going to give you a piece of her mind. If only she could get you alone without Yeonjun clinging onto your arm like some lost puppy dog. Pathetic really. She can't believe she's supposed to be with someone who won't even give her the time of day and looks so pathetic chasing after some average. Ah, there you were. Finally, you were alone without Yeonjun chasing and giggling after you.

You on the other hand were completely unaware of Ari marching towards you. You were too lost in your thoughts thinking about these past few weeks. Suddenly, Ari grabs your wrist grabbing your attention. "Uh, will you please let go of my arm?"

"Stop hanging out with Yeonjun or You'll regret it," she grips your arm tighter with each word, Your pretty sure it'll leave a red mark in the shape of her fingers.

"Please let go of my arm, you're hurting me," Your arm starts to sting and tears start to form in your eyes.

"Do you understand Y/n?"

"Y-yes, now please let go of me," tears are flowing down your face, evident of your pain.

"What the fuck is going on here," Yeonjun's hand drops to his side, the flowers wrapped in his grasp follow with.

Ari flinches at the tone of voice, but a smirk then graced her face. She put on her best-acting face and got to work. "Yeonjun, she threatened to hurt me if I didn't stay away from you."

You were cradling your arm trying to soothe the pain. Tears were still falling down your face. You wanted to confront her, tell Yeonjun the truth, but you highly doubt he would believe you. You may have been his friend, but Ari was his promised-

Yeonjun comes up to you, cradles your face making you look up at him. "Yn, what happened? Are you okay? Let me see your arm." He lets go of your face and gently grabs your arm. He looks at it and notices Ari's finger's imprinted onto your skin. You've never seen Yeonjun mad before, but now seeing it for the first time, you would hate to be the person on the other end.

"Ari, you better explain why Y/n's arm is all red and has imprints of fingers and nail marks," Yeonjun stood in front of you, shielding you away from his anger and Ari.

Ari looked shocked and angry that he was protecting you and not her. "Yeonjun, sweety, what are you talking about? She attacked me, all I did was defend myself."

"Oh really? Where? Where did she hit you?" Yeonjun was not going to take this absurd bullshit from Ari.

Yeonjun's accusing questions caused Ari to forget that she was playing as the victim and let a flash of anger show on her face. "Does it matter if I don't have proof? I'm your promised one, you should believe everything over that average one. Well more like below." Ari giggles a little at that last part as if it was the funniest thing she's said all year.

Yeonjun on the other hand was baffled. He couldn't believe what Ari had just said. "Does it matter? You seriously didn't just say that. Of course, it matters. I don't care if I'm your promised one or not because at this point I don't think I want to even be your promised one. You can't spout bullshit lies like that and get away with it. This evening I'll be talking to both your father and mine and cancel this whole promised crap. I would rather be stuck with a rock for the rest of my life than someone like you. Y/n, come on. I'll bring you to the school's hospital."

You were at loss for words. Yeonjun stuck up for you again. Why? Why was he doing this? He could get in serious trouble. You could get in some serious trouble. But you didn't say anything, you just let Yeonjun drag you along.

"Ah, right. I got these for you," Yeonjun hands you a bouquet of your favourite flowers.

"Flowers for me," you take the flowers in the hand that wasn't holding his. "Thank you."

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